Friday, August 31, 2012

Weekend getaway in Austin

Prima limba in acest post va fi cea Romana, pentru ca azi Moldova implineste 13 ani de cind a revenit la grafia latina si a readus numele corect al limbii; mandra sa o vorbesc, mandra sa o venerez!
Ro: Am avut parte de un weekend superb, spontan si activ saptamana trecuta. Am acceptat invitatia unui prieten de a-i face o surpriza prietenei lui prin a da attend la petrecerea ei de zi de nastere la un restaurant de pe Lake Travis in Austin, unul din cele mai mari puncte de atractie din Texas (am vrut sa prindem apusul, dar am ajuns prea tirziu pentru ca la iesirea din Dallas am prins traficul, asa ca atasez niste imagini de pe net).

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


En: Off topic - I so wish I could do slideshows on blogger, so many heavy pics on one page can be a lot to scroll, I so wish I should have made my homework better before starting the blog and choose word-press as the hosting platform. 
Anyway, going back to the main subject of the post, I was invited by the online magazine to pose for their section ProFashion. I had to pick 3 complete outfits and take shots of them, if I would have been back home I would have worked with their team, but because I am in the far away Texas I had to find my master, and who else than my talented friend Lalo (btw he'll need soon a Facebook page or web-site so I can guide you to see his other works). Below are some new pictures with the outfits from the article, we took a lot that day and many of them came out good and because we couldn't display them all there in the magazine, you can see the other ones here. 

Ro: Imi doresc sa pot face slideshow-uri aici pe blogger, cu atat de multe poze pe o pagina poate deveni obositor de navigat, mi-as fi dorit sa fi facut mai bine tema de acasa atunci cind am inceput bloghereala si sa fi ales wordpressul in loc ca platforma gazda.
In fine trecem la subiectul principal al postului si anume mindrul fapt ca am pozat pentru revista online rubrica ProFashion. Misiunea de baza a fost sa aleg 3 outfituri complete de la incaltaminte pina la accesorii si sa fac poze, normalmente daca eram in MD trebuia sa lucrez cu echipa Allfun, dar pentru ca ma aflu in indepartatul Texas a trebuit sa imi gasesc eu masterul, si cine altul daca nu prietenul meu Lalo (ca printre altele o sa trebuiasca degraba sa isi faca pagina pe Facebook sau un site unde sa fac trimitere sa vedeti si celelalte lucrari ale lui). Mai jos vedeti poze noi dar cu aceleasi outfituri din articol, pentru ca am facut mai multe in acea zi si pentru ca destule au iesit bune si nu pe toate am avut sansa sa le publicam am vrut sa scot careva noi aici.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Today it's Moldova's Independence day!

Ro: Dragi prieteni, astazi e ziua Independentei Moldovei, si cred ca toti vorbitorii de romana o stiu! Vreau sa dedic acest post frumoasei mele tarisoare, pentru ca chiar daca nu mai locuiesc in ea radacinile mi-s acolo, parintii, buneii, prietenii copilariei mele locuiesc acolo, pentru ca port un pasaport albastru, pentru ca tatal meu face cel mai bun vin din lume, si pentru un numar infinit de alte motive. Si dupa cum spune cintecul de mai jos, si eu misc Moldova din loc, pentru ca ma comport bine peste hotarele ei si o reprezint cu demnitate, sunt bucuroasa sa fiu un alt ambasador al ei in strainatate, si sunt mandra sa pot explica celor care nu cunosc unde e ca e o tarisoara micutsa din Estul Europei vecina cu Romania si Ucraina, care are in jur de 4 milioane de locuitori, in jumate cit populatia Metroplexului Dallas-Fort Worth. 
Sa traiesti Moldova!

En: Friends from all over the world, today is Moldova's Independence day! I want to dedicate this post to my beautiful country, even though I don't live there anymore my roots are still there, because my parents, my grandparents, my childhood friends live there, because I carry a blue passport, because my dad makes the best wine in the world, and because of so many other reasons! And just like the song below says I make Moldova move, because even though I don't live there, I behave and represent it with dignity, I am glad to be one of its ambassadors abroad, and I am proud and take every moment to tell every person who asks me, that I am from Moldova, and if you can't find it on the map I'll guide you through, it's a little country in Eastern Europe that borders with Romania and Ukraine, with almost 4 million people, half of the population of Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.
Happy Independence Day, Moldova!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Latest stuff

En: Hey, I forgot to mention, about one of the latest less original things I've done, I have created an Instagram account, my friends probably noticed it on Facebook (another thing to waste time on and make life seem shorter). And now I'm instagram-ing, not as much as Facebook-ing, because F remains my favorite social network, but you can see there my culinary predilections and some nicer pictures because of the several editing options they have. See you there, you can find me @diamoraru.

Ro: Hei am uitat sa anunt despre ultima chestie mai putin originala pe care am facut-o, probabil prietenii meu de pe facebook au vazut deja, mi-am facut cont pe instagram, si deja instagram-uiesc si eu, nu atat de mult pe cit facebook-uiesc, pt ca totusi F ramane reteaua mea preferata de socializare, dar acolo puteti vedea predilectiile mele culinare, si alte poze care arata mai bine prin faptul ca au optiuni de editare a pozelor (o alta chestie care ne ajuta nemijlocit la irosirea timpului :)). See you there, ma gasiti @diamoraru.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Can you make a mistake and miss your fate?

En: Talking about outfits all the time may be boring, let's talk about what make us happy besides clothes and shopping. My main goals, I guess I have mentioned to you before, are to be happy and accomplished, now these are two relative terms, that everyone perceives different. My main concern, like Carrie Bradshaw once said, 'can you make a mistake and miss your fate'? Some of my believing say no, because I do believe everybody has a destiny and everything happens for a reason. But because I am a Libra I don't trust this 100% either, because you can't sleep and wait for fate to happen, and for our own mental sake and satisfaction it seems the harder you push the better you feel. We all hope to hit the 'black jack' directly or indirectly but at the end what matters is what we do to please our soul, mind or the persons we love. Have a great Thursday everyone, I wish you lots of positive thoughts, inspiration and whatever you need to make your day and life better.
P.S: Still I would like to make a small reference to the outfit, you can see the same safari short pants I told you about a week ago (it's summer I like them and I wear them a lot) but this time combined with a lose sweater, black suede pumps and black&leopard half leather half suede bag.

Ro: Vorbind doar despre outfituri poate deveni plictisitor, haideti sa vorbim azi despre ce ne face fericite/ti inafara de haine si shopping. Fiecare are un tel in viata, al meu e sa fiu fericita si implinita, ultimile doua cuvinte sunt doi termeni relativi, perceputi de fiecare mai mult sau mai putin diferit. Citind-o pe Carrie Bradshaw ma framanta o intrebare ' poti face o greseala ce ti-ar schimba soarta'? Unele crezuri de-ale mele tind sa zica nu, pentru ca cred ca fiecare are un destin si mai toate lucrurile se intimpla pentru un motiv. Dar pentru ca sunt o balanta adevarata si niciodata nu dau credit 100% nimanui si la nimic, pentru ca orice bat are doua capete, pentru ca nu poti dormi si astepta ca lucrurile sa se intimple de la sine, consider ca pentru propria satisfactie si sanatate mentala e mai bine cind impingem carul si din partea noastra. Toti speram ca vom cistiga marele bilet la loterie direct sau indirect, dar ceea ce conteaza la final e satisfactia sufletului, a mintii sau a persoanelor pe care le iubim. Eu va doresc o zi de joi cit mai agreabila, plina de ginduri pozitive, inspiratie si tot ce aveti nevoie pentru o zi sau o viata mai buna.
P.S: Totusi as vrea sa fac o mica referinta la outfit, mai jos vedeti aceeasi pantaloni scurti safari pe care i-ati vazut cu o saptamana in urma aici (e vara imi plac si ii port des), de data asta combinati cu un pulover larg, baggy, cu pantofi negri din piele intoarsa si o geanta neagra&print de leopard jumatate piele naturala, jumatate piele intoarsa.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Chic & flirty

En: Another beautiful photo-shooting with my talented friend Lalo. For me it's surprising to see how a simple outfit can turn into a fabulous one if you use the right background and I guess the right attitude. 
I  acquired the green dress a month ago for the half price at Zara, didn't have the chance to wear it a lot, but because of its thick texture I believe I am gonna wear it in Fall more, with boots and a jacket on top. Now referring to the head accessory - the hat, it's a debut for me, I haven't worn this type of hats before, if I'd gone for one then it used to be the casual sport type, nothing fancy, because I find them pretentious elements, a quality that does not represent me 100% if you know what I mean. 
But anyway I love the result and obviously I would love to know your opinion as well. Have a beautiful day!

Ro: O alta serie de poze capturate de camera talentatului meu prieten Lalo. Rezultatul e surprinzator pentru mine avind in vedere ca outfit-ul e unul simplu, dar se pare ca atunci cind ai in spate un decor frumos, talentul necesar si o atitudine pe masura iese un lucrusor demn de un calificativ mai putin modest. 
Rochita am achizitionat-o de la Zara cu vre-o luna in urma la jumatate de pret, cit ador reducerile, nu am avut sansa sa o port mult, dar datorita texturii mai grosute cred ca o sa o scot mai des din garderoba toamna cu o jacheta si niste cizme.
Daca e sa ma refer la accesoriul mare de pe cap, atunci e un debut pentru mine, pentru ca nu am mai purtat asa ceva mai niciodata, din cite tin eu minte, pentru ca atunci cind vine vorba de palarii optez pentru cele sport-casual, astea mari le gasesc pretentioase si fancy, calitati ce nu ma prea reprezinta. 
In fine, daca e sa las vorbaraia si sa conclud ideea de la inceputul postului, rezultatul imi place si as vrea sa stiu si opinia voastra. O zi cit mai reusita, si nu va jenati sa comentati ;)!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Romantic Alinka

En: My sister is a ray of sunshine, I will always say that. The pictures below confirm my statement. So much energy, bright colors, positive thoughts... just what I need. At least that is what I get from her. It feels amazing to have her with me, the sister-sister relationship is unbreakable, even when we were on different continents we used to have a close connection, distance was not an obstacle for our friendship, instead it was another reason to get closer. 
Now about the outfit: the skirt was actually a dress but because it was too big she cut the top part and completed the look with another pearl top. You wouldn't notice, right? The flower in the hair is killing me, such a small, beautiful detail. This is a totally summer look that you can pull off for a cocktail party or a romantic dinner.
Hoping that your weekend is going well I wish you the best! 
Xoxo, Dia.

Ro: Mereu am zis ca surioara mea e o raza de soara, pozele de mai o jos confirma. Emana atit de multa energie, lumina, ganduri pozitive... cam ce am eu nevoie. Eu asta primesc eu de la ea, e frumos sa ai o parte din casa cu tine (aici ma refer la tara natala), relatia sora-sora e indestructibila, cel putin in cazul nostru, chiar si cind ne aflam pe continente diferite distanta nu a  reprezentat niciodata un obstacol pentru prietenia noastra, din contra ne aducea cu gindul mereu mai aproape.
Acum lasam partea sentimentala si o abordam pe cea materiala: fusta de fapt e o rochie mai veche, care pentru ca era mare a ramas fara partea de sus, dar a fost completata cu un top de aceeasi culoare. Nu v-ati fi gindit, asa-i? Floarea din par e piesa forte, o slabiciune de-a mea, un mic detaliu, dar care completeaza look-ul atat de bine. Outfit-ul e varatic in totalitate, il poti aborda pentru o petrecere cocktail sau pentru o seara romantica.
In speranta ca weekend-ul va merge ca pe roate, va pup. 
Salutari, Dia.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The same island, the same thoughts...

En: A picture and a song that created a lil' controversy on Facebook :)
How are you all doing? For the ones that just left for vacation enjoy it, for the ones who's vacay is over stay cool the weekend is close :) and for the ones who live permanently traveling and partying I hate you :) (a smile for everyone). I am continuously in a sleepy mood, the crazy heat in Dallas keeps me exhausted and makes my thoughts go back to the sandy&sunny beaches and the cold mojitos that I used to enjoy just a few days ago. OMG I have never been so nostalgic after a vacation.
The pictures below puzzle in my head pieces of images from the book 'The Count of Monte Cristo' that I read long time ago, the prison island from where Edmond Dantes escaped. I will always love Dumas for hits genius. Memories from the book, memories from the trip; below is the same beautiful Puerto Rico. Xoxo, Dia.

Ro: O poza si un cintec care au creat mici controverse pe facebook :)
Cum va merge? Pentru cei care au inceput vacanta savurati-o, pentru cei care deja deapana amintirile ei, rabdare ca vine weekend-ul, pentru cei care sunt mereu in vacanta va invidiez la sigur. Eu inca sunt in stare de dormitare, fara chef de nimic, canicula insuportabila din Dallas ma trimite cu gindul departe la paminturile pe care cu doar o saptamina in urma le paseam. Demult nu am mai fost asa nostalgica dupa o vacanta.
Pozele de mai jos parca sunt frinturi de imagini dintr-o carte preferata de-a mea 'Contele de Monte Cristo' insulita care gazduia inchisoarea din care eroul a evadat, ah cit imi mai placea Dumas. Amintiri din carte, amintiri din inima, care au doar o saptamana vechime dar ma trimit inapoi. E acelasi Puerto Rico, pupici si aveti grija!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Bacardi - Que suerte tiene el cubano!

 En: It's Monday, and I know most of you hate this day, so I decided to make it a bit  brighter and give you some ideas of what you can do the next weekend more exactly of what you can drink :)
The last day of our trip in Puerto Rico we went to check the Bacardi factory (the #1 selling spirit brand in the world). Besides drinking good cocktails for free, the place offered a beautiful view and an explanatory tour that included small recollections of the fermentation process, the many types of rom they produce and a mini-show about how you can make delicious drinks at home and what is the story behind the most sold cocktail in the world Cuba Libre. Besides the history of the company and the geniuses that leaded it which are pretty amazing I noticed while watching a small film about it that the Bacardi commercials were very good since long time ago, most of them bring in fun the idea of parties with beautiful girls and handsome guys.  Most of the liquor&spirits commercials are sexy but the Bacardi ones I find different, exotic, sensual and intriguing, because they bring the retro atmosphere, the post-war victory and peace spirit . I selected a few shots from google new and old, and a beautiful video made for their 150th anniversary. Enjoy and have a great week!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Bragging at night

En: A small post at the end of the vacation, meant to brag about my tan that I acquired for the past 7 days. I assume like most of the girls I am obsessed with getting some color in the summer,  but the only way I like to do it is laying on the beach or at the pool. I've always avoided the tanning bed, except one time 5 years ago, but since then never tried again, for health reasons and for being horrified of tiny places (maybe I am a bit' of a claustrophobe) connected to so many energy bulbs. Anyway the vacation was a delight, too bad it was so short and it ended so fast, it feels like we left for it yesterday... I so didn't want to come back :) In the post-scriptum of the previous post I was promising to share some pictures from the rainforest, unfortunately it is not going to happen, my MacBook for some reason did not save the pictures whenever I downloaded them from the camera. I will make it up to you by sharing the experience I had at the Bacardi factory, so stay tuned :) This will also justify the lack of posts for the past 4 days, I don't know about others while vacationing but I was 100% into my entertainment moments, I didn't want to miss anything so I neglected the blog, my apologies.
Thus I wish you a great end of week. Enjoy the last days of summer, honestly I can't wait for the fall, summer in Dallas can be so exhausting because of the heat, so I am really looking forwards for jackets and boots asap. Below you can see a look I adopted for a walk at night. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

'The Caribbean San Tropez'

En: Relatively a long post, but one very close to my heart. It hosts pictures from the past 2 evenings I have dedicated to the city Old San Juan, the previous capital of Puerto Rico. Any town that reunites European architecture and a port/harbor will certainly have my heart for ever. This one has every ingredient necessary to make me fall in love with it. The Spanish colonial architecture it's amazing and it's been preserved very well: the cathedrals, the town plazas, the rectories, they all inspire the 1600's bohemian style. The port and the people's euphoria and partying in the street make the city so welcoming; this is why in one of the pictures I uploaded on facebook the other day I called it 'the Caribbean San Tropez' . Two days in a row we walked its streets, I didn't even realize it was an island, but there is a reason why they call it 'la isla del encanto', just like a mermaid it mesmerizes you. We drank authentic rum and smoked the handmade havana, well honestly I just tried it, even though there were women that seemed to enjoy it I think it's a men's thing. Well to make the long story short I'll end my tell here so you can make also a visual conclusion from the pictures below, one thing for sure I don't want to go back to Dallas now. Three more days left and I stil can't get enough. 
P.S: In the next post make place for some adrenaline while exploring the rain forest and kayaking at night in the bio-fluorescent bay (there are only 5 bays like this in the world)!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Puerto Rico (introductory part)

En: Please excuse my insolence and the lack of posts, but I am in that state of mind where at first I was too excited for my vacation approaching, and then leaving for vacation and then getting to enjoy it. You know that feeling when you don't care really much about anything... This is how I feel now. After planning my trip to Italy and Spain for the past 3 months with so much zeal, after waiting for August with so much impatience I discovered I lost my passport just 2 weeks prior to check in at the international terminal of DFW airport. So when I realized Europe is not going to happen this summer I decided that a tropical beach with 'sol caliente' and 'cold mojitos' will suit me just perfectly in order to make that disappointment of not seeing Florence and Barcelona go away. So I chose a destination far away from US but still close enough to not require more than my Texas ID, it was Puerto Rico. Remember this is just an introductory part I won't tell you much because there are so many other posts to come, but I have to point out the island is a piece of heaven, so far in my dreams I ever imagined it would be so beautiful. 
Tomorrow more details about the hotel and the beautiful city of San Juan, that I felt in love with at first sight for carrying so much architecture, history and culture of the Spanish conquistadors. Just enough to make my avid desire to see Spain ease for the moment.
Below are some pics from the second day on the beach, sorry didn't dare to make the ones from first day public as there wasn't enough tan to go bold, but enough red&burn to get some automatic enhance for these images in Iphoto. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Anna dello Russo of Texas

So I was telling you a few weeks ago in the last Dallas street style post about 'Anna dello Russo of Texas', well that is how I call her. You may not agree but I find that just like the fashion mogul from Milan, Hanh Collar  is very eccentric, extravagant and eclectic in her choices and gets noticed by the international photographers when she attends the Paris or New York fashion weeks. Unfortunately I haven't had the luck to see her on the streets of Dallas, well obviously the chances are minimal, but I often check her Life in Travel blog
Sorry for the lack of posts lately, but I promis you a lot of posts to come this week as my summer vacation starts tomorrow. Yahooooo!
Keep in touch, xoxo Dia.