Monday, November 26, 2012

Dark romance for Black Friday

dark romance
En: So here are the dark items I got for Black Friday. It seems funny but I did not plan it on purpose... Anyway they say the black is a hit this season, still trying to not go black all the way, felt on this path once, I don't recommend it. I guess it happened to many of you, when you realized at some point most of all your clothes were black.
At the beginning I hesitated to go to the mall, thought there would be too many people (on this particular day, people tend to get crazy) but then a friend of mine told me that some stores may have extra sales if to go there before noon. I guess that motivated me the most, plus my fall/winter shopping check list was not accomplished at the moment! At the end it turned out to be a good idea. I finally found the boots I was looking for at an amazing price at Guess by Marciano. Besides the fact they were 50% off that day the sales associate put the wrong price tag on and I got them even at a 65% off. I always love a good deal. Then Talbots had few clearance racks with merchandise for 60% and additional 30% at check out. Another reason to rummage through. As a result I found this cute pleated skirt that end up being 30$ and  the bootcut jeans that I was l looking to find for a while at the same amazing price. The edgy items of the list are the leather leggings from Zara. These items went too viral, and it felt retard to not have them. And the last but not the least on the list, the crazy Jeffrey Campbell hole wedges, actually I got them in a different color than shown on the picture, for some reason Polyvore couldn't find my yellow snake print color. 
Quoting Kelly from Kiss fm's morning show: 'that is all I've got, how do you like that'? This is a short example, that Black Friday is worth going shopping, not at midnight I guess, but relatively with a small budget you can get some good things. Talking in numbers, I've spent less than 300$ on goods that were normally priced all together at almost 700$. 

Ro: Mai sus vedeti bunataturile pe care mi le-am luat de Vinerea Neagra, nu stiu daca ar fi corect sa o traduc, da sper eu ca ati inteles si stiti despre ce vorbesc (Vinerea de dupa Thanksgiving). Aceasta zi e fenomenul reducerilor in SUA, unele magazine deschizindu-se inca de la 12 noaptea. Am mers si eu, cu toate ca initial ezitam, m-a convins o prietena care mi-a zis ca unele magazine s-ar putea sa aiba reduceri aditionale daca ar fi sa cumperi pina la 12 amiaza. Si cum eu nu pot rezista shoppingului plus ca listei mele de toamna/iarna inca ii mai lipseau careva bife, mi-am pus lejer tenisii si am plecat. Coincidenta sau nu, mai toate lucrurile pe care le-am achizitionat in acea zi sunt negre, nu ca ar fi rau, pina la urma negru e la mare cautare in acest sezon si e mereu elegant.
Incep cu cizmele de la Guess by Marciano, care de fapt sunt maro, dar de care sunt foarte mindra, pentru ca le-am luat la un pret terifiant de bun . Astia aveau semnul de 50% off peste toate produsele, dar  norocul meu cel blinda facuse ca stickerul cu pretul incleiat pe talpa cizmei sa fie mai mic decit cel original, astfel Diana se facu cu 65% off din pret. Am trecut si pe la Talbots, care normalmente nu prea ma atrage, dar stiu ca uneori au fustite bunisoare, asa m-am facut cu fusta neagra in falduri si blugii evazati, modelul caruia il vroiam de ceva vreme, la o reducere de 70% ambele. Piesele edgy de pe lista acelei zile sunt leggings-ii din piele de la Zara, care sunt prea apreciati in acest sezon ca sa imi lipseasca si mie, si cizmele pina la glezne de la Jeffrey Campbell cu gauri in platforme, tot la jumatate de pret. Culoarea lor adevarata fiind alta un print de sarpe galbior, pe care Polyvore-ul nu l-a gasit in lista sa, da vi-i arat eu intr-o postare ulterioara.
Cam asa am ajuns eu la concluzia ca in Vinerea de dupa Thanksgiving se merita de dus la shopping, pentru ca cu un buget relativ mic, mi-am luat citeva bunataturi, daca e sa vorbesc in cifre concrete, am cheltuit aproape 300$ pe bunuri care la pret original ar fi costat 700$.


  1. Leggings-ii si cizmele ... to die for <3 , sa porti sanatoasa tot ce ai procurat . Sunte-ti norocosi sa aveti parte de reduceri reale . Au aratat la TV ce invalmaseala se facea peste tot , multi optind anula asta pentru online shopping pentru a nu sta in cozi ore in sir .

  2. foarte tare! :)
    cel mai mult cred ca-mi plac botinele alea... sa ne spui cum sunt, cat sunt de comode! ca sunt curioasa.

    1. botinele nu sunt prea comode, da sunt OK :D

  3. wow i simply adore the wesge boots <3

    want to follow each other? i will defiently follow back

    my blog:

