Thursday, November 8, 2012

Milan & Instagram

En: It's the second time I visit Milan, but this time I explored in a different way. If last year I was eager to see the main attraction spots like Duomo, Rinascente, the Gallery, the Castle Sforzesco this time I paid attention to less important things from a tourist point of view.
I was impressed to see how many coffee shops they have everywhere. Italians are real coffee lovers, they'd get into a shop to have a short strong espresso at the bar without even sitting down and would leave right away. I would get into some coffee shops just to admire the decor, these people really love beautiful things, from the facade of their buildings, the window shops to the way they dress this nation breathes and thinks in a beautiful manner. What kind of genes do you need to create so much beauty around. I was reading an article in the plane about a city in South Italy which said that the territory was occupied several times by turkish, persians, normands, etc. Now this explains everything, the blood mixture just like overall in Europe generated great genes and great countries. I walked a lot, ate pizza a lot, but the main surprise was to see how many sweets and pastries these people sell around. I don't get it how is it possible to eat so much pizza and candies and still stay skinny. I was saying to myself maybe it's because they walk a lot and ride bikes. This was another thing I was admiring every time I would see a nice dressed woman on heals and riding a bike.
These are basically all the news from Milan, like I mentioned before this week we'll see each other more often on Instagram (find me @diamoraru) than on the blog. Starting with next week I am getting back to my normal life in Dallas, I miss it already honestly, just like my mother was asking 'how much can you wind around'. See you guys, take care!

Ro: Sunt pentru a doua oara in Milano, dar de data asta l-am explorat diferit. Daca anul trecut am vazut doar punctele principale de atractie ca Duomo, Rinascente, galeria cu faimoasele magazine, Castelul Sforzesco de data asta am fost mai atenta la detalii mai mici. Am fost impresionata sa vad cit de multe cafenele se gasesc aici si cum oamenii intra sa bea un espresso rapid la tejghea fara ca macar sa ia loc si sa iasa imediat, astia chiar beau cafea ridicol de mult si nu de dragul de a vizita un local ci pentru scopul direct de a isi lua doza de cofeina si de a pleca mai departe. In unele cafenele intram special ca sa admir decorul, oamenii astia chiar iubesc frumosul, de la fatadele cladirilor, vitrinele magazinelor pina cum se imbraca ei respira si gindesc frumos. Ce amalgam de gene tre sa ai ca sa creezi atata frumos in jur. De fapt citeam in avion despre istoria unui orasel de la Sudul Italiei in care se spunea ca ar fi fost cucerit de-a lungul timpului si de turci si de normanzi si de mult altii, acum inteleg ca amestecatura asta de singe prieste, ca de fapt in toata Europa, diversitatea genelor si-a pus cuvintul. Am mers mult, si pizza am mincat mult, dar cel mai tare m-a socat cantitatea de dulciuri care se vinde peste tot. Eu nu inteleg cum astia maninca atita pizza si atitea dulciuri si-s asa de slabi :D In sinea mea le-am gasit si o justificare, probabil pentru ca merg mult pe bicicleta, asta e un alt aspect pe care l-am admirat de fiecare data cind o femeie frumoasa, aranjata si pe tocuri se deplasa pe bici, cum le spun ei. 
Cam astea-s noutatile din Milano, dupa cum va spuneam, saptamana asta ne vedem mai mult pe Instagram, ma gasiti sub @diamoraru. De saptamana viitoare reiau regimul stabil din Dallas, hai ca chiar mi s-a facut dor deja, cum zicea mama 'cit se poate de umblat drumurile'! V-am pupat. 


  1. Wow, these photos of Milan are so gorgeous! I'm so glad to hear you had a nice time :)

  2. vreau si eu la Milano! mi-e dor.....
    p.s. esti frumoasaaaaa! ;)

  3. i would love to go someday!! fun facts and the pictures are amazing! thanks for being honest in your last comment! the truth is i wouldn't be surprised if i did gain a few pounds, it is the holiday season after all hahahha


  4. from your description that sounds jusy like my dream place to live in.. I love pizza, pasta and coffee, I would love to live in italy one day!! :) Beautiful pictures, the buildings do look very beautiful!! :)


