Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Keep it warm and fun, wherever you are!

En: A coat that says love at first sight, get me or you'll regret it :D. Generally this is my shopping policy, if I like something I get it, I don't go around many times. I don't recommend impulsive shopping as sometimes it's good sometimes it's not. Some items can be moment crushes meant to just keep the closet full.
Decided to go nerdy today with some glasses that I got in Milan. A look approached for the sake of a change, not that my vision needs some help. 
Can't tell you much today as I'll be late for work. It's sunny and beautiful in Texas even though a bit chilly. Keep it warm and fun wherever you are!
Hugs, Dia.
Ro: Un palton care a fost dragoste la prima vedere, ceva care spunea ia-ma sau vei regreta. Evident nu l-am putut ignora. In general asta e tactica mea de shopping, daca imi place ceva nu ezit, nu fac cercuri in jur, sunt destul de impulsiva si iau decizia pe loc. Nu recomand shoppingul impulsiv pentru ca nu intotdeauna merge. Unele produse fac cu ochiul la prima vedere, dar de fapt sunt menite doar sa umple garderoba, fiind rar sau mai deloc purtate.
Am decis sa merg nerdy azi cu niste ochelari pe care i-am achizitionat in Milan. Am abordat acest look asa de dragul unei schimbari de rutina, nu ca as avea nevoie de ochelari de vedere.
Mai multe nu pot sa va spun azi, caci risc sa intirzii la servici. O zi cu soare cu dinti in Texas, voi 'keep it warm and fun' acolo unde sunteti!
Cu drag, Dia.

Zara coat & Jeans
Forever 21 top and blouse
Sam Edelman shoes
Vogues glasses

