Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas lights

En: Yes, Dallas may not have the snow and ice snowflakes on the windows but we do have the Christmas spirit. Lights, music, shop displays... everything says Christmas. If last year I checked the North-pole Wine Trains and Gaylord ice show in Grapevine, yesterday I went to Frisco to check the largest choreographed holiday lights and music in North Texas.
It is gorgeous, if you are in the area go, take your friends and kids and spend a wonderful evening. It's worth the drive, because we are waiting a whole year for this amazing holiday and time flies so fast that in less than a week none of these decorations and atmosphere will be there anymore. The pictures and the video below confirm what I just said above.
I tried to fit in the multicolor popping-out decor so I put on my neon sweater (that I was bragging about for the last couple of days), a blue skirt and because it's the season of the head accessories of course a beret. That's all I've got, how do you like that :)?

Ro: Si poate nu avem zapada si fulgi incrustati pe geam in Dallas, dar spiritul de Craciun nu ne lipseste. Lumini, muzicutse, ferestrele magazineleor...toate spun in cor Craciun :). Daca anul trecut am mers sa vad Trenul de Craciun din Grapevine si show-ul de gheata de la Gaylord, anu asta am mers in Frisco sa vad cel mai mare show coregrafiat de lumini din Nordul Texasului. E superb, daca sunteti in regiune recomand sa mergeti, iar daca nu oriunde va gasiti iesiti si vizitati locurile special amenajate, pentru ca suntem in asteptarea Craciunului un an de zile si in viltoarea rutinei zilnice riscam sa trecem prin aceasta perioada cu viteza fara sa observam frumusetea sfarsitului de an. Pozele si video-ul atasat mai jos confirma cele spuse mai sus.
Am incercat sa ma incadrez in decorul multicolor si mi-am pus puloverul neon despre care tot ma laud in ultimile doua zile pe facebook si Instagram, o fusta albastra si desigur pentru ca e sezonul accesoriilor podoabei capilare, nu puteam rata bereta.
Cam asta e pe azi...sarbatorile vin, sarbatorile vin...

Wearing: Forever 21 sweater; Zara faux fur veste&skirt; Colin Stuart boots; Target beret. 


  1. iubesc perioada asta :X
    super outfit

  2. ce dragut e puloverul <3 super chic tinuta!!

  3. esti suuperba ... foarte dragut blogul tau :)

  4. hi! love this outfit and xmas pics! wait for u on my blog again!!! giulia

  5. you look beautiful
    would you like follow each other :)

  6. Arati superb si luminitele sunt nebunia mea <3

  7. Suuuuuuuuuuuperba postare!!! Imi place tinuta ta si atmosfera din jur.

    Transmiti atata voie buna :)

    Te urmaresc cu drag via gfc, bloglovin si facebook (credeam ca te urmaream deja, nu stiu cum mi-a scapat :))



