Monday, December 3, 2012

Yellow sweater

En: I heard many times people around me saying yellow is my color, actually I knew it since I was a kid. I remember I was 10 years old and I had a yellow sweater that I used to wear a lot, I thought it lightened my face.
It truly did, at that time I was wearing my natural hair color - dark brown. Last winter I found this cute bright yellow at Stein Mart, now that I write the article, I remember it, because the other day a lady was asking me where did I get it from and I couldn't remember. That's the beauty of the outlets, you can find cute things at good prices. Certainly is that this bright piece got a lot of compliments all day, and me of course I liked it.
The border line of my frames is yellow too, I thought it would be a cute combination. 
Anyway enough bragging about my sweater, I wish you a sunny-happy week, just like the main color of this post. Enjoy, Christmas is very, very close.

Ro: Am auzit de multe ori sa mi se spuna ca galbenul imi sta bine, de fapt o stiam de pe cind eram copil. Aveam un pulover galben, pe care il purtam prea de multe ori pentru ca imi parea ca imi lumineaza fata. Asa si era, la acel moment purtam parul in culoarea mea naturala de cafeniu inchis. Am gasit acest frumos pulover tricotat, inca iarna trecuta la Stein Mart, acum cind scriu imi aduc perfect aminte de unde, pentru ca mai daunazi o doamna ma intrebase de unde l-am procurat si nu imi puteam aduce aminte. Asta e frumusetea outleturilor, gasesti lucruri bune la preturi si mai bune. Cert e faptul ca bucatica asta de lina mi-a adus o multime de complimente si intrebari, eu desigur nu m-am suparat deloc, sa tot vina si sa vina :)
In fine de-ajuns cu laudatul despre puloverul meu, eu va doresc o saptamana pe atat de luminoasa ca culoarea acestui post. Craciunul e aproape, cum zicea bunica tre sa treaca dealul si e aici.

Wearing: Zara leather leggings; Guess by Marciano boots; Philip Lim bag; Armani Exchange bracelet; Michael Kors watch.


  1. Sunny Diana )) Foarte frumoasa si pozitiva , ca o raza de soare . Nici nu as zice dupa poze ca e iarna la voi , aveti parte de un timp foarte frumos .

  2. bratara de pe mana dreapta este senzationala!!!

  3. Cute look! Loving your sweater! The color is great!


  4. Arată foarte tare puloverul şi te avantajează. Întreaga combinaţie îmi place de altfel.

  5. parca esti un puisor!!! p.s. foarte hot in pantaloni din piele si cu acest pulover! :)

