Saturday, December 22, 2012

The movie of the weekend

En: The trailer made me thing mainly about one thing, how will we create healthy kids in an era threatened by technologies? If us the future parents are so addicted to facebook and other stuff, how will they be?
Ro: Trailerul m-a pus pe ganduri, cum facem copii sanatosi intr-o epoca amenintata de tehnologii? Daca noi viitorii parinti suntem atat de afectati de facebook si altele, cum vor fi ei?

 En: P.S: Tomorrow I'll prepare the Christmas menu, not a fan of the sponge cake but my traditional 'racituri' and 'sarmale' yes! What will you cook?

 Ro: P.S: Maine pregatim meniul de Craciun, nu sunt fana a cozonacului, dar racituri si sarmale am zis ca gatesc numaidecit! Voi ce pregatiti?

