En: I had the idea of a new article section about women that inspire a while ago, but got to write about it only now. As the first row model I chose Emanuelle Alt. Some of you may ask why. Personally I think she is a true representative of all Western European Women.
Always looking impeccable, effortless, natural make-up and hair, that rocker chic style that I am crazy about. This woman inspires me, because she gets attention but not necessarily by showing off tons of jewelry and extravagant looks like Anna dello Russo, but by being simple and natural. Because of this many fashion critics and bloggers didn't believe in her when she was appointed editor in chief of Vogue France. I think there couldn't be a better option. She later convinced everyone that her favored, 3 piece style (skinny jeans, t-shirt and blazer) does not affect the look of magazine.
Ro: Ideea unei noi rubrici saptamanale despre femeile care inspira imi venise mai demultisor, dar iata tocmai acum m-am apucat sa scriu. Ca prima eroina am ales-o pe Emanuelle Alt. Poate o sa intrebati de ce. Personal consider ca e o reprezentanta veritabila a tuturor femeilor Europei Occidentale. Un look impecabil dar in acelasi timp effortless, acel rocker chic dupa care eu sunt nebuna, fara prea mult make-up, mereu naturala. Deci ma inspira femeia asta, pentru ca resuseste sa captiveze atentie fara sa epateze ca Anna dello Russo, fara a se impodobi cu bijuterii extravagante si catei la brat. Din aceasta cauza multi critici si bloggeri de moda nu au crezut in ea atunci cind a fost numita in functia de editor sef al Vogue France, personal consider ca o persoana mai potrivita nu se putea. Ulterior a convins toata lumea ca stilul ei preferat din 3 piese (skinny jeansi, t-shirt si sacou) nu a afectat imaginea revistei.
Always looking impeccable, effortless, natural make-up and hair, that rocker chic style that I am crazy about. This woman inspires me, because she gets attention but not necessarily by showing off tons of jewelry and extravagant looks like Anna dello Russo, but by being simple and natural. Because of this many fashion critics and bloggers didn't believe in her when she was appointed editor in chief of Vogue France. I think there couldn't be a better option. She later convinced everyone that her favored, 3 piece style (skinny jeans, t-shirt and blazer) does not affect the look of magazine.
Ro: Ideea unei noi rubrici saptamanale despre femeile care inspira imi venise mai demultisor, dar iata tocmai acum m-am apucat sa scriu. Ca prima eroina am ales-o pe Emanuelle Alt. Poate o sa intrebati de ce. Personal consider ca e o reprezentanta veritabila a tuturor femeilor Europei Occidentale. Un look impecabil dar in acelasi timp effortless, acel rocker chic dupa care eu sunt nebuna, fara prea mult make-up, mereu naturala. Deci ma inspira femeia asta, pentru ca resuseste sa captiveze atentie fara sa epateze ca Anna dello Russo, fara a se impodobi cu bijuterii extravagante si catei la brat. Din aceasta cauza multi critici si bloggeri de moda nu au crezut in ea atunci cind a fost numita in functia de editor sef al Vogue France, personal consider ca o persoana mai potrivita nu se putea. Ulterior a convins toata lumea ca stilul ei preferat din 3 piese (skinny jeansi, t-shirt si sacou) nu a afectat imaginea revistei.
Ce de tinute super tari <3
simple si tari! :D
DeleteShe has a great laidback style! Loving those boots in the first photo!
prima poza e pur si simplu adorabila!
ReplyDeletepupici, silvia
DeleteYou're right, she's so classic chic!
Presents woo! Win some new swag in my Four Days Of Christmas giveaways!
ReplyDeletelove the look of a leather jacket over a nice monochomatic look. Makes everything look so chic!
less is more :D