Friday, February 8, 2013

Baby blue in my living room

En: Today I'm coming again with an example which perfectly shows that us women get easily bored with things surrounding us, in my case the decor in my apartment. And because I don't own my house yet and I don't have the perfect design I always find things to change and make look better. This time I said I'll mess with my couches. Well, this is not an item you'd buy daily so I decided the perfect solution would be buying covers for sofas. I went to IKEA (of course, where else) and found the baby blue I've been wanting for a while that I matched with yellow pillows and red to heat up the spirits (here I'm joking). As you probably realized already I love colors, but the best advantage of these covers is that you can easily take them off and wash if needed, are relatively cheap for 70$ I can get another color in case I start getting tired of the baby blue. For the last details I rearranged the corner and changed a few paintings and the whole living room was refreshed. 
This weekend, party at my house :D!
Ro: Azi iar revin la schimbari si cat de repede noi femeile ne plictisim de lucrurile care ne inconjoara, in cazul meu si decorul. Cum inca nu am casa mea perfecta, gasesc mereu cusururi si lucruri de schimbat, mutat... De data asta a fost culoarea canapelelor. Cum o canapea nu e ceva ce se cumpara in fiecare zi, am zis ca solutia perfecta ar fi sa achizitionez cuverturi de diferite culori cu care le-as acoperi. Zis si facut, am mers la IKEA (si normal) si mi-am luat un baby-blue frumos pe care il vroiam de mai demult si pe care l-am asortat cu perne galbene si un rosu pentru a intensifica spiritele (aici glumesc). Iubesc culorile, dupa cum ati realizat, dar cel mai mare avantaj al acestor coperte e ca le poti scoate si spala atunci cand e nevoie, au un pret relativ OK 70$ bucata, si daca ma satur si de baby blue iau orice alta culoare. Am reamenajat si coltul dintre divane si cu acest ultim detaliu am reimprospatat tot livingul, acum pare ca nou.
Deci in acest weekend party at my house :D! 


  1. Foarte fain! Dar preferata mea 'piesa' ramane pisicaaa! o minunatie :D


  2. Imi place foarte mult canapeaua albastra!
    Ai vrea sa arunci o privire si pe blogul meu? As fi super fericita.


  3. Arata foarte bine canapeaua albastra! Pupici

  4. dupa parerea mea, canapeaua albastra nu are ce sa caute... in partea dreapta a pozei totul e perfect !

    1. vezi gusturile sunt diferite :D da nu puteam sa o arunc, caci aveam doua!

  5. Imi place foarte mult. Schimbarea asta de culoare sper sa aduca multa dispozitie in casa ta :)

    Puppic :*


  6. uite ca de ceva timp tot vreau sa ajung la blogul tau, si in sfarsit am facut-o!:) following!

  7. amazing pics! Great blog and nice post! I will be here more often!
    Don't forget to visit my blog too and check out my facebook page!

  8. Those couches are super cute! I love the idea of more color in the home ;)

    Pearls & Paws

  9. Love your color mix even in your living space.....& how cute are those throw pillows!!


