En: We are all aware of the fashion weeks going on each year, honestly even if I am a style blogger 'till not long ago I didn't know their order, but a search on wikipedia saved my ignorance. Anyway this is not what I wanted to tell you about, it's the first kids fashion week I wanted to talk. Officially called Global Kids Fashion Week, it will happen the 19 and 20 of March in London. The ones who came with the idea are the people behind the online kids store alexandalexa.com The program will include a public show with a runaway presentation and a press conference after that will explain the tendencies. So if you want your kid to not loose any trend make sure you make it in time for the conference. Few brands that accepted to participate the first year are Junior Gaultier, Little Marc Jacobs, Tommy Hilfiger, Rachel Riley, Monster Kids.
Now I am asking myself a question, I get it is a marketing platform, but do we really need it, or it's an imminent process considering that us future parents are so much into fashion, clothes and all sorts of material staff. I know I'll wanna dress my kid nice, but I don't think I'll urge the necessity to have on him the latest trends, just like I don't do it myself either. Backing up my doubts I am still curious to see what this kids fashion week will look like, as I've always loved pics with the little fashion street stylers, they crack me up, see some below.
Ro: Cu saptamanile modei in general sunt la curent, da chiar daca sunt style blogger eu pana nu demult nu le cunosteam ordinea, da un search pe wikipedia m-a salvat de ignoranta. Da nu despre asta vroiam sa va zic, ci despre prima saptamana a modei pentru copii, care oficial se numeste Global Kids Fashion Week si care va avea loc in acest an la Londra pe 19-20 martie. Cei care au venit cu ideea sunt cei de la magazinul online de imbracaminte pentru copii alexandalexa.com Programul va include un show pentru public, in cadrul caruia se vor prezenta tinute si o conferinta de presa in care se vor explica tendintele. Asa ca daca doriti ca odrasla vostra sa nu piarda nici o tendinta aveti grija ca voi sa nu pierdeti conferinta. Printre brandurile care vor participa se gasesc Junior Gaultier, Little Marc Jacobs, Tommy Hilfiger, Rachel Riley, Monster Kids.
Acum eu imi pun intrebarea, desigur inteleg e o platforma de promovare, da avem nevoie noi de asta, sau e un lucru iminent avand in vedere ca noi viitori parinti suntem deja pana peste cap in moda, tendinte si tot ce tine de toale. Stiu ca o sa vreau sa imi imbrac odrasla frumos, dar nu cred ca neaparat dupa ultimile tendinte asa cum nu o fac nici eu. Insa sunt curioasa sa vad ce va aduce cu sine aceasta saptamana, street stylerii astia mici intotdeauna m-au facut sa zambesc, vedeti mai jos niste fashionistas pitici da extrem de haiosi.
Very nice!
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Wow, I didnt know about it. Some of those little kids looks unbelievebly cute. :)
ReplyDeleteWish you a great day!
That is so cute! But I think they are a little too young to be so into fashion:(
ReplyDeleteoh well it's true, but their parents decide at this point!