Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Let's move to New York...

En: So I guess there is a solution out there for those who want to move to New York but are claustrophobes and don't like the small studios, or for the girls who are afraid that they won't have enough space for the closet. Check this video. I was shocked and impressed by this guy's genius mind. I really admire his inventiveness, but at the same time I wouldn't consider this specimen as a potential boyfriend ever. Do you realize how anal and perfectionist he is, I bet I'd run around all day with sticker notes on my forehead for not doing the right things :D
Ro: S-a gasit solutia perfecta pentru cei care vor sa se mute in New York da-s claustrofobi, nu le plac spatiile mici, sau fetele care se tem ca nu vor avea spatiu suficient pentru garderoba, priviti video-ul de mai sus. Eu am ramas profund impresionata de acest talent, admir ingeniozitatea, dar cred ca totodata as evita un asemenea boyfriend, va dati seama cat de perfectionist e, cred ca as umbla cu stickere cu obiectii lipite pe frunte in fiecare zi :D



  1. wow! designul a doi studenti romani! Bravo!

  2. wow, m-ai spart cu video-ul asta!

