En: Here in Texas we always have a dilemma, it's never too cold for pumps in winter but at the same time to me it seems weird to see women wearing just pumps or sandals with no stockings or pantyhose. It's still January, from where I come from it's the time when we rock warm boots. So I found this socks trend the optimal solution for the Texan mild cold winter days. Throw on a pair of socks and your favorite pumps or sandals and the problem is solved in an interesting, a less boring, but most of all healthy, way. We've had an alert on this trend for the past 2 years, long socks over the knees short over the ankles they all work perfect. I like it! What about you girls?
Ro: Aici in Texas avem o dilema, nu e niciodata rece indeajuns pentru pantofi, dar totusi mi se pare ciudat sa vad femeile purtand pantofi sau sandale in plin sezon de iarna fara a imbraca macar niste ciorapi fie ei si din fibra textila. De unde vin eu, in Ianuarie se poarta cele mai calduroase cizme :) Ca urmare am constatat ca trendul ciorapilor in pantofi si in sandale e o solutie optima si interesanta pentru zilele blande de iarna. Alegi o pereche de ciorapi, o arunci peste pantofii sau sandalele preferate si ai rezolvat problema intr-un mod trendy si mai putin plictisitor, dar cel mai important sanatos. Alerta trendului ciorpailor in pantofi continua deja de mai mult de 2 ani. S-a inceput cu lungimi de peste genunchi ca sa fie acceptata si foarte purtata si cea de pana la jumatatea gleznei. Mie-mi place! Voi ce ziceti?
En: Some ideas for the spring.
Ro: Cateva idei pentru primavara.
I look I would've never imagined loving but some of these I absolutely adore. The super high socks with the boot heels are my fav! I'd definitely like to rock that look someday.
ReplyDeleteVery unique and fun post, I enjoyed it!
xo Haylee
Imi place la nebunie acest trend insa pana acum nu m-am incumetat sa port sandale cu sosete, cu siguranta in aceasta primvara vor fi o optiune <3 pupici
trebuie sa incerci Sandra, mie trendul imi aduce aminte de copilarie, cand eram mica si purtam rochite si ciorapi :D
Deletece bine de voi! eu urasc frigul, trag tot spre caldura ;) eu am purtat sandale/pantofi cu sosete si este un trend care mi-a placut mereu :*
ReplyDeleteI love socks with heels!
ReplyDeletexo Michelle
Fierce & Fashionable
wow amazing lookbooks ! <3
Oh, dar esti o norocoasa sa traiesti intr-un astfel de climat!! Eu m-am saturat pana peste cap de ciorapi, de frig si de vesnicele 3-4 straturi de haine..
ReplyDeleteO zi frumoasa iti doresc, mai trimite si aici putin soare! :)
se poate spune ca e noroc iarna si toamna, da vara e un infern, in schimb voi aveti parte de zapada :D
DeleteI've been wanting to try this for a long time but always forget to. Thanks for the inspiration!
I'm a huge fan of this warm, edgy & cozy look....if only I could rock it as great as these ladies!!! But I truly enjoyed your picture-inspiration....thanks!!!
ReplyDeleteLenjerie Intima Galati Fashion
Hi!Nice post!I follow now,please follow me back!Thank´s
Draga mea, te invit la mine pe blog! am dat startul primului GIVEAWAY!
Love it too chiar daca nu am purtat inca o asa combinatie, tot de ce e nevoie probabil e putin...curaj :-)
ReplyDeleteramane doar sa incerci Marcelina eu zic ca se merita!