Monday, January 14, 2013

Skinny ripped jeans

En: I am trying to figure out how to relate coherently the jeans from today's post and one of my new year resolutions... I bet you guessed already which one, it's about loosing weight! Taking the sugar out turned to be efficient, so in a week it made it possible for me to fit into my teenager jeans :) I am exaggerating a bit, the jeans aren't that old nor am I. But certain is that I had them for a while, and they couldn't fit me for a while too :D It made me remind of that episode from Sex and the City, when Miranda finally got into her teenage skinny jeans from 1985. I tell you guys, 'cuz women know already, this is pure happiness. And like all happy endings, the girls went and celebrated with a Cosmo, or more.
Some may say I am crazy, that I have never been fat, mom will say that I am pretty anyway and who truly loves me won't care about how much weight... I say I like to be bitchy skinny, so my skinny jeans can fit me. And I will be, in a week or more, haven't hit the scale low enough yet. And that's when I'll need a Cosmo too!

Ro: Incerc sa redau coerent legatura dintre blugii din postul de azi si una din rezolutiile noului an, cred ca va dati seama care dintre ele... Desigur, slabitul. Scoaterea zaharului din consum  e rodnica, intr-asa fel ca intr-o saptamana am incaput in blugii adolescentei :). Exagerez un pic, nu-s chiar atat de vechi ei blugii si nici eu asa batrana :). Da cert e faptul ca ii am de ceva vreme si tot de ceva vreme nu imi mai veneau. Situatia m-a facut sa-mi amintesc de episodul din Sex and the City cand Miranda a reusit sa incapa in jeansii skinny din adolescenta pe care ii avea inca din 1985, si va spun baieti ca fetele deja o stiu, asta e pura fericire. Si ca orice happy-ending au mers sa celebreze noul feeling de bine cu un Cosmo.
Cineva o sa zica ca-s nebuna, ca nu dadeam din piele afara nici pana acum, mama o sa zica ca-s frumoasa asa cum sunt si cine are sa ma iubeasca ma va iubi si asa, eu zic ca-mi place sa fiu bitchy skinny, si ca am si eu nevoie de un Cosmo, ce-i drept nu azi,  ....:) pentru ca inca nu am ajuns la rezultatul dorit!
And speaking of no excuses, there they were. Her skinny jeans.
The jeans that every woman keeps in the vain hope that someday she’ll fit into them again.
- Oh my god Miranda, what are you doing here? 
- Ladies. This is a miracle. I am in my skinny jeans. I haven’t fit into these since 1985...

Wearing: Zara coat & boots, Target sweater, Aridon jeans; Guess beanie; 


  1. Like de 100 de ori:)

  2. Imi plac mult jeansii dar si paltonasul e super wow<3

  3. felicitari! iti inteleg bucuria! ;) "bitchy skinny" zici? :)))))))) savureaza Cosmo-ul din plin, il meriti ;)

  4. Love your outfit! Beautiful!

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  5. Love the distressed denim and the coat - I was THIS close to buying it :) xA

