Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The romantic blogger

En: My dear Lalo continues with his photography studies and this time practiced the environmental portrait. I don't know if I said it right, but that is what I understood. The pictures for his homework had to represent the subject, in this case me the blogger with my laptop and my magazines, interacting with the surroundings. Sine I was already wearing my heels and my pink skirt we decided to take some extra shoots for my peach punch readers. About the outfit: it's one of my most girly ever, I have it for probably almost 3 years and I have a feeling I'll be keeping it for a long while. To clear the confusion it's not a dress, I know it looks like one, it's a duo, a skirt and a blouse, that I bought on line for less than 40$. I still  remember my surprise when I received the package and I realized the skirt and the blouse matched perfectly. 
As I was assuming in my latest post where I was justifying wearing my coat so often, in Dallas the weather got crazy with temperatures over 75F, so don't ask me if I was cold or not :D
Kisses, Dia.

Ro: Lalo isi continua studiile in ale fotografiei mai departe, si iar a practicat pe mine. De data asta a incercat sa ia o poza care ar reprezenta un portret in mediu, nu stiu daca am zis-o corect, da asta am inteles eu. Pozele pentru tema lui de acasa trebuiau sa redea interactiunea persoanei cu mediul, in cazul meu al bloggerului de moda cu calculatorul si revistele sale si imprejurimile. Si deja daca tot mi-am pus pantofii si fusta roz, am zis sa facem poze si pentru blog. E unul din cele mai girly outfit-uri pe care le-am avut vreodata, il am probabil de vreo 3 ani si cred ca o sa il mai pastrez mult inainte. E un duo, fusta si bluza, ca sa clarific confuzia, stiu ca se priveste ca o rochie, pe care probabil am dat nu mai mult de 40$, tin si acum minte ce mare mi-a fost surpriza cand am primit pachetul comandat online si am realizat ca piesele se potrivesc de minune. 
Dupa cum preconizam in postul anterior in care justificam paltonul meu, la noi in Dallas deja e primavara cu temperaturi de peste 20C asa ca nu va mirati sau sa va intrebati daca nu mi-era frig.
In speranta ca pozele de mai jos va sunt pe plac, va pup.  

Wearing: Forever 21 Skirt & blouse, Steve Madden pumps;


  1. how cuuute <3 omg, love your skirt & blouse!!! perfect combination!!

  2. Great photos! Love the outfit! You look so cute! <3

  3. The top and skirt definitely look meant for each other. I'm absolutely LOVING these photos, you look stunning!


  4. So cute! & those shoes are just gorgeous!

  5. Se pare ca fotograful atat cat si modelul sunt la fel de talentate! Pozele au iesit super iar tu esti o draguta!

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