Thursday, June 28, 2012

Empire State of Mind...NYC

Ro: Despre New York multe s-au scris si se vor mai scrie, este un oras  unic toti o stiu, dar fiecare trebuie sa simta pe pielea sa ce inseamna si cum se percepe bucatica asta de pamint atit de cosmopolita incit daca ti se da intrebarea de unde ti-e accentul zici ca e nebun omul ala, intr-atit e de universal si poliglot orasul, si astea sunt impresii doar de citeva ore. La sigur nu va voi spune nimic nou sau ceva ce nu ati mai auzit pina acum, orasul e o forfota totala, e o hyper miscare, nu am mai vazut atita lume la un loc nicaieri, nemaivorbind de taxiuri care se opresc sa dea jos niste clienti si sa ia altii. Mi s-a intimplat, exact ca in filme, sa opresc un taxi si sa mi-l ia altcineva de sub nas, si cind spun altcineva ma refer la un barbat, zic ce naiba ma, astia nu au maniere? Raspuns la intrebare inca nu am, dar intuiesc deja, dupa cum spune cintecul lui Jay Z - New York, concrete jungle... 
Am aterizat dimineata la 10 pina am ajuns la hotelul din Manhattan era 12 deja, ne-am cazat si ne-am pornit spre Downtown Manhattan mai exact spre Little Italy pentru ca iubi al meu vroia sa vada semifinala europenelor Italia-Germania, nu am fost impotriva, atmosfera intensa de grup imi place enorm, dar despre asta intr-un alt post. 
Spre seara am plecat sa vedem ce presupune o seara de joi in Manhattan, am ales penthouse lounge-ul din hotelul Gansevoort, ca sa intelegeti mai multe vedeti pozele de mai jos. De miine se incepe sightseeing intensiv, mers pe jos, si mai multe impresii si mai multe posturi. Stay tuned.

En: Much has been said and written about New York, it is an unique city, we all know that, but in order to feel its uniqueness you have to come and check it yourself. There is nothing new I could tell you about it, it is so cosmopolitan, that if someone asks you where is your accent from you find it weird, because this city reunites people from all over the globe.
It is definitel busy hyper active, I have never seen before so many people in one place, so many taxis that never get a break because they stop to drop off clients and pick up others. It happened to me, just like in the movies, I stopped a cab and someone else came up to me grabbed the door and got inside right under my nose, and when I say someone I mean a man, I was like 'what the hell, do guys have manners in here'? I do not have an answer to this question yet, but I feel like it already, as Jay Z's song says - New York, concrete jungle ...
We landed at 10AM, by the time we arrived at our hotel in Manhattan it was 12AM already, took a quick shower and went to Downtown Manhattan more specifically to Little Italy because my love wanted to see the European semifinals Italy-Germany, I was not against it, as I love the intense group atmosphere a lot, but about that one in another post.
At evening we went to see what a Thursday soiree looks like in Manhattan, we chose the penthouse lounge at Gansevoort, to see more check the pictures below. Tomorrow we'll begin with intensive sightseeing, walking, and more impressions and more jobs. Stay tuned.

Ro: In postul urmator neaparat va vorbesc despre simtul modei, va garantez nu degeaba NYC e  capitalele modei in SUA, atentie nu si mondiala. 
En: In a future post I'll approach the fashion style and sense of the resident of NYC as the fashion capital of USA, attention not the world fashion capital though!

Urban Outfitters blazer
Club Monaco jumpsuit
L.A.M.B. heels
Express NYC clutch


  1. I dream of NY as well:)) Cit de tare vreau sa-l vizitez:)

  2. Love the photos and your look!

    I'm a new follower now! ;)



  3. I love your blue blazer - I'm sure you're having an amazing time in NYC! Also, did you check out my latest giveaway? Everyone who enters wins a $15 virtual gift card to Inpink jewelry!

  4. Foarte fain! Si outfit-ul pe masura. ;)
    Inca n-am ajuns pe coasta de est...dar nu e timpul pierdut. :)

  5. Those shoes, that handbag, that blazer. Too die for!!! NYC is next on my must-travel-to list!! I'm a city girl through and through! Loving the city pics!


