Friday, February 22, 2013

Look changes

En: A sign that spring is on its way is given by us women when we start changing things about us. Whether it is the haircut, the hair color, loosing weight or getting a new closet. The first change that Alinka decided to make this spring started from the top, she got ombre hair, a really light one that can be easily noticed and that I think looks great on her. She has always been bolder than me and definitely had more courage experimenting with her hair than I did. I still remember the day when she came home with blonde highlights, and she was only in the 8th grade back then. 
I trully believe that for us women look changes are very important in order to get that good feeling about and with ourself, the inner comfort that we usually obtain when we like the way we look. This is why girls, if you have any metamorphosis wishes don't hesitate to accomplish them, it's that season when everything gets a new life, so why don't you give one to your hair, body and maybe soul if needed.

Ro: Un semn ca vine primavara il percepem sigur atunci cand pe noi femeile ne apuca febra schimbarilor, fie ca vrem o alta culoare de par, o alta tunsoare, careva kilograme minus ca sa aratam bine in costumele de baie, o garderoba noua, etc.. Prima schimbare cu care a inceput Alinutsa e legata de par, si l-a vopsit ombre, unul accentuat care dupa parerea mea o prinde de minune. Ea mereu a fost mai indrazneata ca mine si a experimentat mai des. Si acum tin minte pe cand inca era clasa a 8-a, m-a surprins intr-o seara pe neasteptate cu suvite blonde. 
Eu zic ca schimbarile de look pentru noi femeile sunt primordiale, pentru acel sentiment de bine cu sine, comfort intern si incredere care il obtinem doar atunci cand ne place cum aratam. Asadar fetelor, daca v-ati pus in gand vre-o dorinta de metamorfoza fie ea cat de mica, nu ezitati sa o indepliniti, e primavara, e anotimpul revigorarii naturii, a corpului si daca vreti desigur si a sufletului.

Wearing: H&M top, Target faux-leather skirt, Aldo sandals & accessories.


  1. Replies
    1. one of my favs too, and luckily it's trendy this season!

  2. Se pare că este o adevărată frenezie cu stilul acesta de vopsire a părului, numit ombre.
    Rochia pe care o poartă sora ta este foarte frumoasă. Sandalele sunt de asemenea foarte sexy.


    1. da cam asa ceva! merci merci, de fapt e top si fusta da intr-adevar se priveste ca o rochie!

  3. I love your blog! It's great :) Feel free to my blog :)) Maybe, you follow my blog ? ♥ (If you like it)

  4. Mindra trebuie sa mai fie mama voastra ca are asa 2 fete cochete :*

  5. culorile cu care niciodata nu dai gres!!

  6. Superba, ador rochia ta, as purta-o cu drag :X

  7. Iubita, esti draguta oricum, insa lasa-ma sa-ti spun ca blonde is your colour!

