Sunday is the 7th day of the week. Magic number, magic day, the day of the Sun. I feel different on Sundays, I feel it's holiday. Probably because since I was a kid grandma would teach me that working on Sunday is prohibited, and rest that day is strict. Well as a good granddaughter that I pretend to be, I am trying to obey my grandma's say, and make my Sundays as peaceful and delightful as possible.
This weekend wasn't an exception. Since in Dallas is officially spring again, no more low temperatures, I went for sunglasses shopping (I will brag about them in the next post), then for a lovely movie ' The vow' which I fully recommend you to watch (especially if you recently had a fight with your beloved one) and obviously for sushi (ahh, why are there sushi restaurants everywhere in Texas, more than the tex-mex ones, I became addicted)...
So here we go, it's Monday again, time to be productive, creative and to become rich!
I got orange laces for this particular shoes, I think they look better this way :)
Tullips, love them!
Sometimes I make weird faces!
My favorite flower arrangement at the mall!