Going back to the idea of Saturday's post (http://www.peach-punch.com/2012/05/perfect-saturday-outfit.html) where I was telling you my doubts about big brands like H&M throwing the clothes they don't sell away, well I was right, I googled it and found an article explaining very well per facts what is happening.
The New York Times reports that both H&M and Wal-Mart throw out unused clothing people don't buy. But they want to make sure that, after they throw stuff out, people can't wear or resell the clothes. So they destroy the items by cutting holes in them with machines. If they're dealing with a pair of shoes, they go to the trouble of cutting the insoles so you can't wear them. Puffy jackets are slashed across the body and the arms are cut off. The 34th Street H&M discards the destroyed but otherwise perfectly good merchandise in trash bags behind the building. Wal-Mart has a contractor that dumps their destroyed unworn clothes in a space on 35th Street. Poor people who need clothes are freezing all over the city, but rather than donate unused goods, these stores are destroying them and treating them like garbage. Wouldn't it be easier to simply donate the stuff so they don't have to bother with cutting everything?
I looked at the comments below the article and I was surprised to see some defending opinions like: 'By donating the clothes H&M would minimize the exclusivity of their brand' or 'H&M is not a non profit, they are a business for profit--who cares if they trash their clothing?' Now my reaction is, please, who cares about exclusivity when there are so many homeless people and orphan kids everywhere around the world, I believe that the social responsibility aspect of such big companies should be more important at the end.
And hitting the same subject, what I love in US is the fact they have Goodwill stores and all kind of donation centers where you can leave any clothes, shoes or other items that you don't need anymore.
Intorcindu-ma la idea articolului de simbata seara, in care va povesteam despre dubiile mele in legatura cu aruncarea hainelor care nu se vind in cazul brandurilor mari ca H&M, la o mica cautare pe Google, am gasit variate articole care cu parere de rau mi-au confirmat suspiciile.
The New York Times raporteaza ca ambele companii H&M si Wal-Mart arunca haine noi nefolosite. Entitatile vor sa se asigure ca dupa aruncarea lucrurilor acestea nu vor fi purtate sau vindute din nou, si aleg sa le distruga prin gaurirea lor. In cazul incaltamintei se complica si mai mult prin taierea talpilor respectiv iarasi ca sa nu poata fi purtata. In cazul gecilor se reduc din lungime si se taie minecile. Magazinul H&M de pe strada 34 din New York neaga distrugerea hainelor, dar admite ca arunca hainele nevindute in stare perfecta in sacose de gunoi in spatele cladirii. Cu parerea de rau aceste magazine prefera sa arunce bunuri noi-noute la gunoi in loc sa le doneze, atunci cind pe la colturi de strazi sint mii de persoane care ingheata. Nu ar fi mai simplu sa doneze decit sa distruga si sa arunce?
M-am uitat la mesajele de desubtul articolului si am fost surprinsa sa vad comentarii care veneau in apararea acestor companii, ceva de genul: 'Prin donarea hainelor H&M si-ar minimiza exclusivitatea brandului'or 'H&M nu e companie non profit, sunt un negot de profit - deci cui ii pasa daca arunca hainele?' Acum reactia mea e, deci cui ii pasa de exclusivitate, cind sunt atitia cersetori, oameni fara casa si orfani in toata lumea, consider ca aspectul responsabilitatii sociale, mai ales in cazul unor companii atit de mari, ar trebui sa se ia in considerare mai mult.
Si daca am abordat aceasta tema, ce imi place tare aici in SUA ca in majoritatea oraselor, linga centrele comerciale mari se vor gasi mereu gherete de genul Goodwill, in care fiecare poate lasa haine sau incaltaminte pe care nu mai vrea sa le poarte.
These are the next items leaving my closet/Urmatoarele piese care parasesc garderoba mea, in speranta ca vor mai prinde bine si altora!
P.S: When was the last time you gave something away, don't be lazy, check your closet I am sure you'll find plenty of things you don't use anymore!