Tuesday, May 29, 2012


En: Because of lack of inspiration and long, lazy weekend, this post reunites different snapshots taken on  different occasions, which bring a nice, relaxed, colorful spring mood. Well, you would say it's summer already; true, true, though I like spring better, but now I can tan. Lately I've been obsessed with this activity, I don't like solars or spray tan, so I just spend a lot of time by the pool, despite the easy result the first ones give, I recommend you the natural D vitamin, well the best case scenario would be the beach.
As new activity I could brag about attending a golf championship (Byron Nelson) and a soccer game at the Cotton Bowl stadium where the Moldavian national team played against El Salvador; the kind of sports that I don't really watch. My greatest achievement of the week was starting to work out in the mornings, so I don't feel anymore like I have some homework left to do in the evening.
For the rest just staying busy with work, planning some get-aways from the city and waiting for my sister to come.

Ro: Din lipsa de inspiratie, in invalmaseala unui weekend lung de 3 zile vin cu un post care reuneste snapshoturi din zile diferite cu ocazii diferite, dar care aduc cu sine o atmosfera relaxata, placuta, colorata, mai mult de primavara decit de vara, prima mi-e mai pe plac decit a doua, dar asta din urma imi permite sa ma bronzez. Deci am o obsesie cu bronzatul, solarul nu imi place nici pe verticala nici orizontala, sunt claustrofoba, am oroare de ele, spraytan-ul nici atit, si nu imi ramane decit sa petrec mai mult timp la soare, ceea ce va recomand si voua. Tenul cafeniu imi pare ca imi confera o alura mai zvelta, vizual imi da jos din greutate (o alta obsesie de a mea). 
La capitolul noutati, am fost la un campionat de golf, deci nu joc nici nu privesc acest sport, dar se pare ca o data ce incerci sa il intelegi devine captivant, la fel si fotbalul, am fost sa vad nationala Moldovei in joc cu El Salvador. Mi-am mai facut si o schimbare a orarului de work-out, deci am inceput sa ma trezesc dimineata devreme, spre propria-mi lauda si mindrie, din nou recomand, economisesc o gramada de timp seara si nu am sentimentul ca mai am teme pe acasa de facut.
In rest, planuiesc careva get-away weekend-uri pentru vara care incepe, o astept pe sora-mea cu nerabdare si ii tin pumnii la examenele de stat.
I went hunting for shoes like always :)
 Kite competition in my neighborhood!
Baby ducks on our lake, this is something beautiful!
 And some ballet for the soul!


  1. i love getting tan too! spend time by the beach is definitely one of my favorite activities!

    thanks for visiting my blog and left me a comment! :)

    the STYLE Fringe BLOG

  2. Great,thanks for the sharing,see you again.

  3. Thanks Jordan, thanks Janice!

  4. So lovely! I really like the dress you were wearing :)

    - Victoria

  5. Thank you Giuseppe and Vikkita@

  6. Great pictures! Loving your dress!


