Sunday, May 20, 2012

Perfect Saturday mood

This article marks the beginning of my bilingual posts, at the request of some of my readers I will write in Romanian too. The other new catch of the day is that I dared to shop at H&M, some of you will ask me what is weird about it, well is not, it's just in my opinion the kind of brands like Forever 21 and H&M, are difficult to shop for, because of the immense merchandise stock they have in the stores it makes it difficult to look at all and find something I'd really like. I also believe these brands are a waste of fabrics, and I am sure they do not sell their entire stock, and the remaining items are mainly just polluting the planet. On the other hand I do not deny the positive aspects of the business: the fact that they offer a lot of jobs worldwide from production in China to sales associates in U.S, as well the variety of the goods that are affordable and accesible for a lot of buyers.
Long story short, I found this bright turquoise dress, that gives me the baby doll look, that I never get tired of, appropriate for an energetic Saturday night. I hope you had a lovely weekend too, make sure you get plenty of energy for the week that is about to come!

Articolul dat marcheaza inceputul postarilor in limba romana, la rugamintea citorva cititori de-ai mei, mai putin sfiosi in a-si manifesta unele doleante, placute pentru mine. Seara data mai marcheaza o alta noutate pentru mine, deci am indraznit sa fac shopping la H&M. Unii o sa ma intrebe si ce-i in asta ciudat, si o sa aiba dreptate, mai nimic, doar ca nu imi plac brandurile de genul Forever 21 si H&M care detin un stock imens in care te pierzi si te enervezi in search-ul outfitului perfect. Plus in opinia mea sunt mai mult sau mai putin (iarasi fiind subiectiva) o epuizare de resurse materiale, care imi dau seama nu se vind in totalitate si doar polueaza planeta. Desigur nu neg aspectele pozitve ale afacerii, locurile de munca pe care le acorda in toata lumea si o gama variata de produse care sunt pe buzunarul si gustul multora
Si ca sa facem povestea lunga scurta, am avut norocul de a gasi o rochita superba turcoaz cu uzor, care imi da un fler lejer de babydoll, ceva de care nu ma satur nicicind, numai potrivita pentru o petrecere de weekend cu muzica buna si piscina. Sper ca ati avut si voi un weekend pe masura cu Guetta sau fara!
                                                           Inainte de chef!
 In a future post I'll tell you about the hassle I experienced to find the right pair of sandals.
Intr-un post ulterior, va povestesc despre cit de mult mi-a luat sa gasesc o pereche de sandale potrivite.


  1. Cum asa la petrecere cu piscina si tu nu ai sarit in ea? :)
    P.S. Arati chiar ca o babydoll

  2. Ma gindeam Anisoara, dar nu am vrut sa fiu prima care o face, doar daca cineva ma impingea :))))

  3. You look stunning! I really like that dress :)

    - Victoria

  4. What a beautiful dress! The print is so much fun!
    Would love for you to visit my blog sometime!


  5. I love this dress! You look gorgeous!

  6. Beautiful shots!

