Friday, December 21, 2012

Society of women who love shoes

En: And because around holidays we tend to remember those who are less happy than us, the girls and I attended a charity event organized by the 'Society of women who love shoes'.
This is an organization that focuses it's efforts and total activity to support and prevent the women and families who are physically abused. According to the study revealed on their webpage, one in four women are physically abused. Sad but true. We went to support the concept. I personally donated a pair of shoes that I bought a few months ago but never got to wear them as well a dress and bag. I truly hope someone will get to enjoy the few things donated, at the end shoes, make us women happy but not everyone gets to buy them.
The charity events where people gather to drink champagne and have fun tend to sound banal when we talk about sad phenomenons like physical abuse. But at the end I believe that besides the raised funds and the gathered goods it is about giving an example to those who suffer. It is the 21st century outside and if a relationship doesn't work a woman can and does have the right to make a decision to go on and be happy without the person that hurts her or her kids.

Merry Christmas to all women and kids out there, sorry dear men I'll mention you in the next post.
Ro: Si pentru ca in ajunul sarbatorilor tindem sa ne aducem aminte si de cei mai putin fericiti ca noi, saptamana trecuta am mers cu fetele la un eveniment de caritate organizat de 'Society of women who love shoes'. Aceasta din urma este o organizatie care isi concentreaza eforturile si per total activitatea in prevenirea si suportul femeilor si familiilor care sunt abuzate fizic. Conform studiului revelat pe pagina organizatiei una din 4 femei este abuzata, trist dar adevarat. Am mers sa sustinem conceptul, personal am donat o pereche de pantofi pe care i-am cumparat in vara dar niciodata nu i-am purtat, la fel o rochie si o gentuta noua. Sper ca cineva sa se poata bucura de ele in ajun de sarbatori, pana la urma pantofii ne fac fericite pe noi femeile, dar din pacate nu toate sunt in masura sa si-i procure. 
Evenimentele de caritate tind sa para banale pentru ca lume zambitoare se aduna la un pahar de sampanie, atunci cand vorbim de fenomene triste ca abuzul fizic. Dar pana la urma cred eu ca inafara de  banii ridicati si bunurile adunate se da un exemplu pentru cele care sufera, e un mic exemplu care spune ca se poate de evitat si daca o relatie nu merge, e secolul 21 si putem face o alegere de a merge mai departe fara persoana care raneste pe ea sau copii ei. 
Sarbatori fericite tuturor femeilor si copiilor!

