Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The epitome of coolness

En: I'm going on with an article from the series 'women that make us think and want more from life'. Today I chose Miroslava Duma. Much has been written about her and much more will be, because the lady heavily inspires plenty of us. Today I'll give you 4 reasons why I like her, beside the fact she is super stylish.
Ro: Continuam seria articolelor despre femeile care ne dau de gandit si de dorit mai multe de la viata. Azi am ales-o pe Mira Duma. Despre ea s-au scris multe si inca o sa se mai scrie, pentru ca fatuca inspira la greu. Astazi o sa va dau 4 motive pentru care mie-mi place de ea, inafara de faptul ca e super stylish.
En: She's young, ambitious and career oriented. She's commented on mostly for her fashion taste, but I can't overlook the fact that she's been an editor for Harper's Bazaar Russia only at 23. Despite the fact her dad is a senator, she did not limit herself by being only a socialite and attending social parties, she wanted to be different from the typical rich daddy's girl, she wanted to educate other people in fashion  and she created the online magazine Buro 24/7, one of the most popular in the world.
Ro: E tanara, ambitioasa si carierista, o muza in tot sensul cuvantului. S-a remarcat cel mai mult prin stilul sau vestimentar divers, dar nu pot trece peste faptul ca la 23 de ani era editor la Harper's Bazaar Rusia, this is huge. Chiar daca tatal e senator nu s-a limitat doar la life-style-ul de socialite si aparitii seci la petreceri si evenimente, a vrut sa se manifeste, sa educe si pe altii in ale modei, de aia a creat Buro 24/7, unul din cele mai tari site-uri de moda din lume.
En: Even though she is a recognized fashion icon all over the world, Mira admits she is still searching for her personal style, probably this is why we see her in so many different outfits all the time, from classic to edgy playful. She says her son is a source of inspiration and even she can go wrong when it comes to creating an outfit. But she thinks if you don't make mistakes you are boring. I like that, now I have an excuse :)
Ro: Si chiar daca e fashion icon declarat,  Mira admite ca inca e in cautarea stilului personal si din acest motiv probabil o vedem in outfituri atat de diferite de fiecare data, de la clasic pana la playful edgy.  Zice ca fiul ei e sursa sa de inspiratie si chiar si ea poate sa o dea in bara atunci cand alege o tinuta (nu am prea vazut eu asta), dar la fel crede ca daca nu gresesti risti sa devii plictisitor. I like that, acum am si eu o scuza :)
En: She proved that you don't  necessarily have to be over 6 feet tall to conquer the fashion world. She really knows how to work her proportions looking good both in skinny jeans or maxi dresses. An attribute of hers that flatters me (myself being a shorty too). She's not intimidated by her super tall top model friends (Ulyana, Pimenova & co) but admits that because of that she always has to wear high heels. So what, we all like that!
Ro: A demonstrat ca nu trebuie sa ai 1.80m ca sa fii remarcata in lumea modei, stie sa mizeze corect pe proportii si arata bine atat intr-o pereche de blugi skinny cat intr-o rochie maxi. Un atribut al ei care ma flateaza pe mine personal (fiind si eu pitica). Nu e intimidata de celelalte style iconuri top modele din gasca sa (Ulyana, Pimenova & co), dar admite ca din aceasta cauza tre sa poarte mereu tocuri. Ei si ce daca, noua toate ne plac tocurile, sau nu?
En: She knows very well how to play with colors, geometrical forms and accessories without being ridiculous like Anna dello Russo, Macademian Girl and others. We all melt when we see her super cute hats and beanies, statement necklace, why am I even counting, everything she pulls of is damn cute.
Ro: Stie foarte bine sa se joace cu culorile, formele geometrice si aceesoriile fara a o da in ridicol ca Anna dello Russo, Macademian Girl s.a. Ne topim toate dupa caciulitele ei, colierele statement in toate culorile, de ce m-am apucat sa enumar acum in zadar, in general tot ce poarta.

En: She is super pretty, she has that sweet delicate beauty, I've put her in the same category with Selena Gomez. And she is a mother. Young, beautiful and smart, I guess this is a way to rock the world.
Ro: E super draguta, e de o frumusete gingasa, eu am pus-o in aceeasi categorie cu Selena Gomez. Si e mama, una tanara, frumoasa si desteapta, ce poti sa mai ceri de la viata!

En: I think I brought enough arguments to prove this girl is the epitome of coolness. She's got it all
Ro: Cred ca am adus destule argumente acolo unde nu prea era nevoie de ele. Le are pe toate fata. Asa si nu ii pot zice femeie cu toate ca are 27 de ani si are un copil, e prea simpatica si are un chip de adolescent. Ea este cool prin definitie.
 P.S: I do follow her on Instagram.
photo source: glamour magazine


  1. colierul e asa draguut :X:X
    pupici :*

  2. Îmi place de ea foarte mult. Se vede foarte clar că nu este doar o imagine. Este foarte inteligentă, munceşte foarte mult şi de aici izvorăşte restul.

    Toate evenimentele la care se afişează reprezintă de fapt munca ei, nu o invidiez pentru că ştiu că are o viaţă grea dincolo de mirajul acesta al modei.

  3. She is stylish!

  4. Amazing spread! so inspiring images!!!

  5. si eu o urmaresc de ceva timp... articolul f bine facut! Keep on doing ;) pup


  6. Miroslava es mi preferida, me encanta.
    Un besazo.

  7. ohhh love love love herrrr <3333


  8. da, sunt complet de acord cu ce ai scris, un adevarat style icon, love her

  9. Mira e o sursa inepuizabila de inspiratie! Ai vazut noua colectia in colaborare cu un designer rus? foarte multe printuri..asa...

