Monday, May 21, 2012

For my one and only

This post is dedicated to my one and only beautiful sister, my best friend, my confident, my worst critic and my best advisor. The one who is always there for me for the better and for the worse, the one I share with all the feelings: happiness, girls drama, succes or bad-luck. Well, first of all I should thank my parents for what I used to think it was my toy when I was four, and a pain in the butt until I was five and they made me change her diapers, and the best girlfriend from the moment she didn't needed diapers anymore.
Happy Birthday baby girl, I love and adore you, you are my sunshine, my pride, everything a sister can ask for.

Acest post e dedicat unicii si irepetabilei mele surori, cea mai buna prietena, confidenta, cel mai aspru critic si cel mai bun sfatuitor. Cea care e mereu alaturi de mine la bine si la rau, cea cu care impartas toate  trairile fie ele fericire sau drama, succes sau ghinion. Desigur, ar trebuie sa multumesc in primul rind parintilor pentru ceea ce credeam la 4 ani ca era o jucarie vie, la 5 o durere in cot pentru ca ma faceau sa ii schimb scutecele si cea mai buna prietena din momentul cind nu a mai avut nevoie de ele.
La multi ani scumpa mea, te iubesc si te ador, esti soarele meu, esti mindria mea, esti tot ce as putea cere de la singe!


  1. amazing post dear!

    I would like to invite you join my Club Couture Giveaway, I would really appeciate! ;)

    Btw, Following you, hope you'll folow me back!

  2. so sweet. lovely that you get along so well and your both soo beautiful!

  3. Thank you girls! I appreciate everyone's comment!

