Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A sunny day of August

En: I found this pictures by chance last night when I was trying to clean my mac. The folder they were lost in was called just like the title of the post a sunny day of August. A day we went with the girls for a walk and a cup of mocha with ice, a stunning bright sun just like Alinka's loafers. Now when I look on the window and I see the fog my soul gets dark, but keeping it contradictory I don't want the summer back any time soon either, it's just so hot in Texas that even the soul feels heavier.
All these made me think how lucky are we, the new generation, with just a click we get to see people that we once used to hang out with daily, we get to feel some lost feelings and impressions. I remember one of the biggest disappointments of my childhood was that my parents did not have pictures from their wedding day. All kids had albums with it, they used to show them, compete who's mother was prettier, or had a nicer gown. I remember I was curious to know how my mom looked on her big day too, how was her dress, but it seems it didn't happen because the photographer never came back to give them any pictures. So I just made a picture in my mind where I imagine my mother was the prettiest bride and had the most beautiful dress ever. 
I wish you a sunny day if not outside definitely inside in your hearts. Take advantage of this heavy dark weather, and lay in the bed with a cup of warm tea and browse some old folders, you'd be surprised how you see some things now... 

Ro: Am dat din intimplare peste pozele astea ieri seara cand incercam sa imi curat putin calculatorul de fisiere nedorite. Folderul in care se pierdusera asa si era numit 'a sunny day of August'. O zi in care iesisem cu fetele la o plimbarica si la o mocca cu gheata, o zi cu un soare aprins ca si loaferii Alinutsei. Acum cand ma uit pe geam si vad ceata de afara mi se inegreste sufletul, dar nici inapoi la vara nu vreau e a naibii de cald aici in Texas, ti se pune pe suflet. 
Stateam si ma gandeam ce norocosi mai suntem noi astia din noua generatie, cat e de usor sa dam timpul inapoi daca vrem sa ne aducem aminte de careva momente care ni s-au intiparit, cu doar un click vezi persoane care au plecat, simti, depeni amintiri. Una din cele mai mari dezamagiri ale copilariei mele era ca parintii mei nu aveau poze de la nunta. Toti copii aveau albume cu nunta parintilor lor, le scoteau la sarbatori, se certau rochia carei mamica a fost mai frumoasa. Si tin minte ca tare eram curioasa sa stiu si eu cum a aratat rochia mamicai mele in cea mai importanta zi a ei, dar se pare ca fotograful nu s-a intors vreodata sa le dea pozele si asa am ramas eu doar cu inchipuire ca mami a mea  a fost cea mai frumoasa mireasa vreodata si a avut cea mai frumoasa rochie...
Sa aveti o zi cit mai insorita daca nu afara numaidecit in suflet. Profitati de vremea rece cu o cescuta de ceai in pat rascoliti foldere vechi, sa vedeti ce surprize o sa mai gasiti...V-am pupat.


  1. Eu am avut norocul sa ma joc cu rochia mamei de mireasa. A pastrat-o pina eram eu cred ca de vreo 10-12 ani dupa asta nu mai tin minte ce s-a facut cu ea. Eu tot mi-am pastrat rochia si vreau sa o tin sa o vada si copii mei ;) (daca nu o maninca moliile pina atunci)

  2. love this outfit, you look stunning! love the blouse and bright neon flats!

  3. Un look genial!!!! Jo echo de menos el veranin

  4. I'm in love with those neon flat :) and I also just realized I've never seen pictures of my parents wedding either... I suppose they have them tho!

    1. Make sure you find them I always was curious to know how my parents looked on their wedding day!

  5. Cute photos! Loving your blouse and clutch!


  6. ceasul tau imi place la nebunie!!!

  7. Love your flats!! Great look!

  8. ai mare, mare dreptate! si mie imi place sa ma uit printre poze, atatea amintiri, atatea sentimente uitate de timp.

  9. wow great outfit! love the clutch ! i like your blog! maybe we follow each other ? let me know :) greetings

  10. haha love your blog!! atat de mult am iubit culorile neon vara asta ! :)

