Thursday, October 18, 2012

Yayyy! Boot season is here

En: So from the comments some of you left yesterday on the post about the giveaway (please don't forget to enroll for those of you did not do it yet) I found out that you like articles about shoes, quiet normal as we are all women and we crave for goodies. Anyway boot season is here and I want to talk about my problem in finding the right pair of boots. Who would have thought it is so difficult when there is such a huge selection around.
It seems like either I am too picky, either the ones that I like are over my budget or my knees and my constitution does not allow that, no, no, no, short legs keep themselves in knee high boots. Another criteria that also matters for me is the color, black is obviously universal, but even if it's fall and winter I don't want to make it all dark. Because shoes can highlight a whole outfit so having them in the right color is very important, whether red, burgundy, or beige neutral they all have more swag than the black ones for sure (personal opinion).
So my first trial in finding the right shoes this fall ended on a website from UK that I would definitely recommend to all of you as they deliver worldwide, including Moldova.  They have a nice selection, reasonable prices and even small sizes. For me I think it's the first time ordering online and having them delivered to Moldova, but I was thinking there are not many chances for my cute shoes to reach Texas all the way form UK before I leave next week. And because I know fall can be really cold in my beloved country I just couldn't bare the thought of leaving them unpacked until I come back to Dallas.
As you can see in the pictures below the model is a bit kinky, you are going to say: spikes again!!!?? Yes I hesitated for a while too, but Alinka had a persuasive pro-argument at the end. You might say I am obsessed with spikes, actually I am not I just really like the mix of gold with black  (and of course the spikes :D). What do you think: too much or just all right?

Ro: Deci in urma inscrierii la giveaway-ului initiat ieri  (apropo alerta pentru cele care inca nu s-au inscris) am aflat ca va plac posturile cu si despre incaltaminte, logic nu, ca doar suntem toate femei...    si am hotarat sa ma laud cu ceva ce inca nu am :)) Deci boot season is here  si eu cu o saptamana in urma aveam o problema mare: nu imi puteam gasi cizme pe plac, ori eu sunt prea picky ori cele care imi plac sunt peste bugetul meu sau peste genunchii mei ori eu am doar 1.63m si nu imi sta mie cu piele peste genunchi a la pretty woman. OMG cine-ar fi crezut ca e asa dificil cind exista o selectie enorma! Deci se subintelege vreau cizme pina la genunchi sau pina la merisor, astea pina la jumatatea gleznei nu intra in raportul meu: inaltime-greutate. Daca e sa evidentiez si alt criteriu important de selectie atunci urmeaza culoarea, negru e universal dar nu vreau sa imi innegresc garderoba nici iarna, mai ales ca incaltamintea da ton si poate pune in valoare intreg outfitul si apoi orice alta culoare fie rosu, burgundy sau bej neutru (mai ales) are mult mai mult 'swag' (parere proprie).
Deci in incercarea mea intensa am gasit o prima pereche (vedeti in pozele de mai jos), la care am stat mult pe ginduri sa o iau sau nu, Alina a fost cea care ma convins.  Dar vestea buna pe care vreau sa o impart si cu voi, cele de acasa mai ales, e ca site-ul livreaza in foarte multe tari ale lumii inclusiv Moldova. Preturile sunt rezonabile si au si o selectie draguta, deci recomand, poate gasiti si voi ceva pe plac. E prima data cind am cumparat un produs online livrat acasa in MD, ma gindeam ca sunt putine sanse ca sa ajunga pachetul din UK in SUA inainte ca sa imi iau zborul miercuri, si cum stiu ca plaiurile mioritice sunt cam friguroase in Noiembrie nu puteam sa le las impachetate in Dallas pina la intoarcere. 
Dupa cum vedeti sunt cam kinky, si o sa credeti ca sunt obsedata de tepi, dar melanjul de bej si negru si desigur tepii (inca o data) m-au convins. Voi ce ziceti: too much or just all right?


  1. Primul lucru la care m-am gindit cind am vazut botinele e ca sa nu dai un picior in fund cuiva :))
    P.S. Sunt superbe, te invidiez ca poti purta asa tocuri inalte :)

    1. haha, you are funny Anisoara!
      ma starui sa nu intep pe mine
      P.S: Merci, da eu nu pot trai fara tocuri!

  2. hey, thanks for visiting my blog. i guess my "boot season" post was something that stood out to you and you've opted to use one of my gif's. usually when that happens a courtesy link is provided, just thought i'd mention it since i don't see one here.

    1. I love your gif's Lynn, just like your blog!
      Next time I promise I'll have a link inserted.

  3. i second this yay!


  4. I love those boots! I will definitely check out the website!

  5. Si eu ador tepii! sunt detaliul nbr 1 pentru toamna aceasta :) Imi plac la botine faptul ca tepii sunt de diverse culori, dar auriul mi se pare prea mult dupa mine, as opta pentru un bej decat auriu. Eu asta as alege, dar poate tu esti totusi mai curojoasa si te reprezinta ;) Pup,

  6. Imi plac la nebunie!!!

    Happy Sunday,


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