Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Fabulous design everyday

En: Yesterday I showed you how I decorated my room with items mainly from IKEA, today I am coming with a nice commercial spot from Fab.com It's a new interior design online shop that was released this year in September and it seems they have the cutest things ever. True it's very pricey, but amazingly cute, unique and iconic, so if not shopping at least you can get some ideas. But I have also noticed they have the vintage category where I found some cute dresses. Check it out both the website and the video. The spot is colorfully magic. I'm impressed.

Ro: Si daca ieri va vorbeam despre cum mi-am amenajat cameruta cu lucrusoare de la IKEA, azi va arat un spot publicitar superb al unei noi noi companii online specializata in design interior Fab.com Spotul lor m-a intrigat atat de mult incit am hotarat sa accesez site-ul. Mda, minunatii decorative la care visez cu ochii deschisi, dar care sunt cam pricy, deci eu inca raman in categoria IKEA. Anyway pentru cei cu buzunarul mai larg s-ar putea sa fie o idee, pentru cei care isi decoreaza casa visurilor lor dati cu ochiul aici, s-ar putea sa va ajute, pina la urma nu e nevoie de a cumpara cit de a ne inspira. Da mai sa uit, mai au si categoria vintage, ceva diferit de tot, se merita de accesat.


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