Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sales fever

En: Let's talk about sales today, the semi annual ones, how cool are they, except the fact that they start in June, just one month before taking the holiday leave, and the strength to save as much as possible for the trip becomes so harsh.
Most retailers have sales in early summer to clear out seasonal merchandise and make room for new things they can sell at full price in the fall. Clothing stores including Nordstrom, Saks, Victoria's Secret and home-decor chain Williams-Sonoma all have these sales — as do many small retailers. All the online giants like Asos, last call by Neiman Marcus have attractive deals, especially check them for the next season items: boots, jackets, blazers and coats; -50% -60% are magic numbers. A small tip, you have to check Nordstrom for shoes and Neiman Marcus for bags and shoes, brand and designer items at a real low cost.
I got this beautiful skirt at Urban Outfitters for a miserable price of 20$ and the sweater for 10$, considering the initial price I broke the deal saving at least 70%, I can be a big spender, but believe me I am happier when I find great pieces for nothing. The women logic is simple: the budget stays the same, but the items on the list keep increasing.
What about you, did you get to feel the sales heat, what is the best deal you got this season?

Ro: Sa vorbim astazi despre reducerile de vara sau cum se mai numesc ele reducerile semi-anuale, cit sunt de tari, cu o mica exceptia: se incep in iunie exact cu o luna inainte de a pleca in vacanta de vara atunci cind te apuca cel mai tare febra economiilor pentru voiaj. 
Majoritatea vinzatorilor cu amanuntul, la inceputul verii dau friu liber reducerilor ca sa se debareseze de marfa de sezon pentru a face loc colectiilor de de toamna. Magazinele de haine precum Nordstrom,   Sacks, Victoria's Secret, Zara si chiar cele de decor interior toate au reduceri. Toti gigantii online precum Asos, last call by Neiman Marcus au oferte extrem de atractive, mai ales cind vine vorba de colectiilede anul trecut pentru piesele de toamna-iarna ca botine, jachete, trenciuri, etc; -50% -60% sunt numere magice. Un mic tip: trebuie sa vizitati Nordstrom-ul pentru incaltaminte multa si buna si Neiman Marcus pentru genti si la fel incaltaminte, piese de brand si designer la preturi extrem de mici. 
Fusta din imaginile de mai jos am achizitionat-o cu citeva saptamini in urma la Urban Outfitters pentru pretul ultra-mic de 20$ iar puloverul la 10$, considerind pretul initial am economisit cam 80$. Credeti-ma in multe cazuri sunt o cheltuitoare, naturalmente ca orice femeie, dar de la o oferta buna nu ma dau in laturi niciodata. Logica femeilor e simpla: bugetul ramane neschimbat dar lista pieselor achizitionate creste. 
Voi ati intrat in ritm, sa-mi spuneti si mie care a fost cea mai mare oferta de care ati profitat in acest sezon?


  1. Wow! You look adorable!

    Reducerile înnebunesc pe toată lumea, numai eu am făcut o multitudine de achiziții la 50% reducere.. sinceră să fiu nu pot să ratez aceste ocazii... cine poate?

    1. tentante tare tentante nu ai unde te ascunde de ele si oricum se merita cel putin aici in SUA!

  2. The sale times feel like they are getting earlier and earlier every year! It's crazy. I feel like the sales prep at my work really is getting earlier into the year.

    Lovely outfit, loving the shoes

    Rianna xxx

    1. If earlier even better :D
      Thanks for the compliment!

  3. I can't believe you got such a great deal on that skirt. You look great and so perfect for summer


  4. I wish the urban outfitters sales in england were as cheap as yours. $10 is an absolute steal!! gorgeous skirt :)

    1. I know right! I don't think there is another country that has bigger sales than USA, I feel for you, sorry, you should come here for shopping :D

  5. Great deal on the skirt & sweater! I found a lot of great deals, too, but I officially put myself on a shopping ban because I went crazy with the sales. It's time to give my wallet a break. HAHA! Love your site!

    1. I said the same, my wallet needs a break :)!

  6. hehe, inlove with this skirt!!!

  7. The skirt is gorgeous! I can't believe what a great price you got it for!

    P.S. I'm having an INTERNATIONAL $75 Shopbop giveaway on my blog, so don't forget to enter! :)
    A's Fashion Files
    $75 Shopbop Giveaway!

  8. Esti absolut superba! Fusta imi place la nebunie si ai dreptate sezonul reducerilor incanta orice femeie...e imposibil sa rezisti!

    Urban Decay Giveaway on 101 Fashion Street

  9. Im loving the skirt! Im a sucker for a sale

    1. :)) it happens, maybe you like full price things :D

  10. Great purchases at an amazing price!! Nici eu nu ma pot opri in timpul reducerilor:)

  11. Love the skirt!!


  12. This skirt looks soooo wonderfull! What a pretty print! :)

  13. Thanks for stopping by and the housewives shows are so funny. I love this skirt and can't believe you got such a great deal. The length is perfect on you too


