Saturday, July 14, 2012

Exquisite it's the word of the day!

En: This time I'll go by the definition to make sure I got it right: 'vintage clothing is generic term for new or second hand garments origination from a previous era'. The other day while walking in Uptown I found a beautiful second hand vintage boutique that inspired retro and chic until its last molecule. From Escada, Lanvin, Moschino Couture, Emanuel Ungaro, Dolce & Gabanna to Valentino the shop kept me excited until the last moment I was there. Exquisite pieces that I didn't experience before, they were all screaming art, beauty and history. I usually don't go by the brand but in this case when you get to have dream pieces at affordable prices it's inevitable. For Dallas fashionistas the store is called Archive Vintage and you can find it in Uptown on Mapple avenue, check their website, the salesman told me that they always keep it up-dated and you can shop online.
Well what about if I stop talking and you start getting more impressions from the images below. Check the  gorgeous red jumpsuit I got and the adorable flower print dress. Very soon new posts wit each of them, I promise I won't keep them anonymous. Enjoy!

Ro: In acest caz voi merge dupa definitie: 'vintage este un termen utilizat pentru piese noi sau second hand originare din alta era'. Ieri la o plimbare de seara prin Uptown am gasit un butic second hand vintage care inspira retro si chic pina la ultima molecula. De la Escada, Lanvin, Moschino Couture, Dolce&Gabanna pina la Valentino magazinul m-a tinut agitata pina in ultimul moment, o adevarata gaselnita. Piese splendide din cele care nu am mai avut sansa sa vad, toate strigau arta, rafinament si istorie. De obicei nu aleg o piesa dupa criteriul brandului dar in acest caz cind veni vorba de piese de vis la preturi accesibile a fost inevitabil. Pentru fashionistele din Dallas magazinasul se numeste Archive Vintage si il puteti gasi in Uptown pe Mapple ave, accesati site-ul lor, domnul de la tejghea mi-a marturisit ca tine stockul la zi si pe online.
Si aici imi dau seama ca trebuie sa ma opresc din scris pentru ca pozele de mai jos vor reda si mai bine impresiile. La fel apreciati si frumoasa salopeta rosie pe care am achizitionata si rochia din print floral care e pur si simplu adorabila. Oricum posturi noi vor urma separat cu aceste 2 piese, pentru ca nu le las in anonimat la sigur! Enjoy!
A move a la Angelina

 Traditional Romanian 'ie', lovely, too bad it was a very big size!


  1. great photos! chanel earrings are belts are amazing :)

    have a nice day xx

  2. asha si niciodata nu am gasit un magazin vintage de acesta pretios!!! Frumoase lucrursoare ti-ai gasit:) Mi se pare sau am observat acolo si o iei romaneasca?:))

  3. Wow!! Ce norocoasă eşti tu. Cum ţi se par preţurile, sunt accesibile?

    1. Preturile sunt ok, in dependenta de piesa, brand, etc, de ex o rochita Lanvin de prin '80 pastrata bine la 500$, fusta galbena Escada 225$ ia romaneasca 18$, variaza total preturile!

  4. Amazing items :) I'm following you now :)

  5. Aaaahhhhh...bine ca esti tu acolo! Si noi restul aici :))

  6. That is an awesome store find and I love all of your pictures! That red jump suit is killer! So glad I found your blog and keep in touch :)

    It's an Easy Life

  7. Great post, I go crazy for vintage: it's my life!

  8. I'm gonna have to check it out the next time we go to Dallas! :) What a great store!

  9. thanks for the information. nice blog.

