Monday, July 16, 2012

Happiness is all we want!

En: Choosing the pictures for this post was very difficult, they are all so beautiful, colorful and full of life, I took like 150, but don't worry I won't display them all.
This post is dedicated to happiness, to finding it in every little thing, because it seems we don't need that much to be happy. Abraham Lincoln said long time ago that ''we are as happy as we make up our minds to be''. I made up my mind, and I want to be very happy, and I know I will, maybe because I am trying to see the bright and positive side in every little thing. As for the emotional-inspirational part of this post served the same feelings of happiness and joy I was just talking about; idea-wise I was inspired by the romantic balloons from Sofia's Coppola look for Miss Cherie Dior. We didn't have Paris in the background, but we had the little 'Venice of Dallas', (this is how it's called the area I live in) my beautiful sister as model, an amazing weather and a crazy mood!
Enjoy and have a crazy beautiful week!

Ro: Sa aleg pozele pentru acest post a fost extrem de dificil, am facut in jur de 150, si toate sunt atit de frumoase, pline de culoare si de viata.
Accest post e dedicat sentimentului de fericire, abilitatii de a gasi fericirea oriunde, pentru ca se pare ca nu e nevoie de multe pentru a fi fericit. Lincoln a spus mai demult ca ''suntem pe atit de fericiti pe cit sinte de deschisi sa acceptam fericirea''. Eu sunt dispusa sa fiu foarte fericita si stiu ca voi fi :) si cred eu pentru ca incerc sa vad mereu partea buna si pozitiva a tuturor lucrurilor. Ca parte inspirational-emotiva a postului a servit acelasi sentiment despre care vorbeam mai sus; ca idee m-au inspirat mult baloanele Sofiei Coppola din look-ul pe care l-a creat in 2008 pentru Miss Cherie Dior. La sigur nu avem Parisul in background, dar avem mica Venetie a Dallas-ului, metaforic asa se numeste regiunea in care locuiesc, frumoasa mea surioara, un timp frumos si o dispozitie nebuna!
Voua va doresc o saptamina cit mai frumoasa! 


  1. Superbe pozele, iar rochita e fantastica, kisses

  2. Alinutsa esti perfecta! Super tare!

  3. Superbe poze!!

  4. you always have such a beautiful photos girl ;) I like your blog so much (i'm following)


  5. Wow, AMAZING dress! And gorgeous pics :) x

  6. Great outfit! I love your blog :)

    check out my store!!

  7. Wow Dia! Such a beautiful post I love the sentiments expressed! Yes, I absolutely agree we are only as happy as we decide to be!!! Wow, that dress your sister is wearing it just makes me happy looking at it! I love it and I love the balloons as a prop, very cute!


  8. It's such a beautiful dress!! I would really love to know where you got it!!

    P.S. I'm having an INTERNATIONAL $75 Shopbop giveaway on my blog, so don't forget to enter! :)
    A's Fashion Files
    $75 Shopbop Giveaway!

  9. What a great dress!! I love all the colors and the prints. :) Absolutely perfect!

  10. Amazing picture and dress! I really love it all:-) I follow you:-)

    Check my new post

  11. Oh my goodness, this is one of the most beautiful photo shoots I've ever seen! These photos are so beautiful and full of happiness, you did an amazing job! And your sister is a real beauty :)

    xx Ivana
    Macarons and Pearls

  12. This is such a pretty post!
    the picture is apt for it:)

    Love, Shubhi's Revels!

