Saturday, July 28, 2012

Floral print

 En: As promised here is the second outfit from the shooting I had with Lalo, the artist says the red one is his favorite, my soul says he prefers the flower print. It's another vintage piece that I got from the same place. Love at first sight, another premiere in my wardrobe as I never wore something like this before, a very classic cut, it reminds me of the dresses my mother used to wear back in the 90's, I remember perfectly she had something very similar, big flowers printed on silk, she was flawless. Is that kind of picture that stapled back in my mind for ever, is one of the images that comes up every time I think about her. Regarding the accessories I tried to play a bit with light blue earrings and ring, trying to keep the same range of colors, but just enough to have a bit of pop-out.  Going back to my outfit, the backstage was more proper for the red jumpsuit but I guess it worked good enough for this one too, I'll leave place for your opinion. So what do you think?

Ro: Dupa cum am promis, revin cu cel de-al doilea outfit din acelasi shooting pe care l-am avut simbata  trecuta cu prietenul meu Lalo; artistul mi-a marturisit ca cel rosu e preferatul lui, sufletul meu pledeaza pentru printul floral, ce sa-i faci gusturile nu se discuta. Rochia e o alta piesa vintage despre care v-am vorbit anterior aici, o dragoste la prima proba, ceva nou pentru mine ca model, pentru ca nu am mai purtat asa ceva niciodata, extrem de feminin si gingas. Imi reaminteste de rochiile pe care le purta mama la inceputul anilor 90, imi aduc si acum aminte rochia cu flori mari pe care o avea, o imagine de zina, cea care imi apare de fiecare data cind ma gindesc la ea.  Am incercat sa ma joc cu culorile in ceea ce priveste accesoriile, am ales un cercel si un inel albastru, ceva care sa ramana in aceeasi gama de culori usor aprinse dar care sa iasa in evidenta doar putin atat cit sa nu para deja prea mult. In ceea ce priveste background-ul consider ca e mai apropriat look-ului precedent, dar cred eu destul de OK si pentru asta, nu e preferatul meu, dar atunci la moment parea complicat sa ne deplasam in alta parte cu tot echipamentul. Oricum las loc si pentru parerile voastre. Deci, ce ziceti?


  1. Gorgeous!!! Superba rochia si te prind culorile de minune:)

  2. Wow, amazing dress! I love floral prints! x

  3. omg! girl you are beautiful, like always! the dress is fantastic and I like your heels! I like it all! love it!

  4. Rochia este superbă şi-ţi vine la fix. Ideea shooting-ului e foarte tare.

  5. Love the flora dress! You look so pretty!!

    P.S. I'm having an INTERNATIONAL $75 Shopbop giveaway on my blog, so don't forget to enter! :)
    A's Fashion Files
    $75 Shopbop Giveaway!

  6. Totally lovin' this! ♡ I follow you!

    PS. There's a giveaway on my blog - win 50$!

  7. You are amazing with this look!! You rock!! :)

    Love your blog too!! I follow you now with google friend connect, facebook and bloglovin too! Hope you'll do the same!! I wait for you in my blog!! Kisses!


  8. omg!!! this is the coolest print I have seen in a looooong time :D

  9. Amazing look :O
    I wait you

  10. Gorgeous floral dress! You look beautiful.

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  11. look so gorgeous ! Look like a DIVA !!


    Bong's Belleza

  12. Hi gorgeous girl! I love your hair, and the floral prints suit you!
    By the way, I colored my hair blond too, you'll see it in my next posts ;)


  13. wow, you are sooo beautiful!!!

  14. you look awesome! rochita este superba si te prinde perfect :*

  15. nu stiu cum am sarit peste postul asta.. bine ca l-am regasit! :)
    imi plac culorile. sunt minunate!

  16. ce te prinde bine culoare!!Fermecatoareee

