Saturday, August 11, 2012

Bragging at night

En: A small post at the end of the vacation, meant to brag about my tan that I acquired for the past 7 days. I assume like most of the girls I am obsessed with getting some color in the summer,  but the only way I like to do it is laying on the beach or at the pool. I've always avoided the tanning bed, except one time 5 years ago, but since then never tried again, for health reasons and for being horrified of tiny places (maybe I am a bit' of a claustrophobe) connected to so many energy bulbs. Anyway the vacation was a delight, too bad it was so short and it ended so fast, it feels like we left for it yesterday... I so didn't want to come back :) In the post-scriptum of the previous post I was promising to share some pictures from the rainforest, unfortunately it is not going to happen, my MacBook for some reason did not save the pictures whenever I downloaded them from the camera. I will make it up to you by sharing the experience I had at the Bacardi factory, so stay tuned :) This will also justify the lack of posts for the past 4 days, I don't know about others while vacationing but I was 100% into my entertainment moments, I didn't want to miss anything so I neglected the blog, my apologies.
Thus I wish you a great end of week. Enjoy the last days of summer, honestly I can't wait for the fall, summer in Dallas can be so exhausting because of the heat, so I am really looking forwards for jackets and boots asap. Below you can see a look I adopted for a walk at night. Enjoy!

Ro: Un mic post de final de vacanta, ca sa ma laud cu bronzul pe care l-am acumulat timp de 7 zile, imi permit sa asum ca si majoritatea fetelor si eu sunt obsedata de a prinde culoare, dar unica metoda pe care o accept e expunerea la soare. Solarele le-am evitat mai mereu cu exceptia unei singure ocazii cu vreo 5 ani in urma, fiind prima si ultima data, am oroare de locurile mici (poate sunt putin claustrofoba), conectate la atitea becuri de lumina. In fine o vacanta placuta care s-a terminat foarte repede, din care nu vroiam sa ma intorc, ce mai zboara timpul... Va promisesem in post-scriptumul din articolul trecut ca pun poze cu experienta din padurea tropicala, dar se pare ca nu ma voi tine de cuvint, nu ca nu as vrea, dar Mac-ul meu mi-a jucat festa si nu a salvat pozele date atunci cind le-am descarcat de pe camera foto, e prima data cind mi se intimpla si imi pare rau ca nu le voi avea nici in arhiva personala, raman doar cu cele citeva de pe telefon. In fine defectiuni se mai intimpla, mergem mai departe. Ca recompensa intentionez sa va impartasesc experienta de la fabrica Bacardi, o istorie interesanta cu culoare si gust, fiti pe faza ca o sa va placa :) Cu asta justific lipsa articolelor din ultimile 4 zile, am fost dusa de val si nu am vrut sa ma las furata de net cind stiam ca momentele frumoase sunt limitate
 In rest sa aveti un final de saptamina cit mai reusit, disfrutati de ultimile zile ale verii, eu sincer m-am cam saturat de ea, probabil din cauza ca in Dallas canicula e extrema. Mai jos vedeti un look simplu, zic eu OK pentru o plimbare de seara. V-am pupat.
En: This safari style short pants I appreciate a lot because they work along with my body construction hiding my thin thighs. 
Ro: Acesti pantaloni scurti de tip safari imi plac mult din motiv ca imi avantajeaza coprul, ascunzindu-mi coapsele mai groase in raport cu celelalte parti ale corpului.

H&M denim shirt (for males)
Zara short pants
Ralph Lauren sunnies


  1. frumoas-o!! Si inca te-ai bronzat:)

  2. Your tan turned out fantastic! Sorry your vacations are coming to an end, it sounds like you had a good one though. Love this outfit too, these shorts look fantastic on you.

    1. Well all vacations come to an end :)) I'll survive

  3. Ai un look relaxat şi cool. Sandalele îmi plac maximum.

  4. Esti bronzata,super chic si tare frumoasa dear. Imi plac mult sandalele <3

  5. Love Your outfit! :-) OMG U are so beautiful!!!!! <3

  6. You look so beautiful!!!
    Love the male shirt + shorts combination, so feminine!!!


  7. ultima poza e preferata! :) asa naturala! iar ce-ai in picioare e..e.. de vis!

