Ro: Dragi prieteni, astazi e ziua Independentei Moldovei, si cred ca toti vorbitorii de romana o stiu! Vreau sa dedic acest post frumoasei mele tarisoare, pentru ca chiar daca nu mai locuiesc in ea radacinile mi-s acolo, parintii, buneii, prietenii copilariei mele locuiesc acolo, pentru ca port un pasaport albastru, pentru ca tatal meu face cel mai bun vin din lume, si pentru un numar infinit de alte motive. Si dupa cum spune cintecul de mai jos, si eu misc Moldova din loc, pentru ca ma comport bine peste hotarele ei si o reprezint cu demnitate, sunt bucuroasa sa fiu un alt ambasador al ei in strainatate, si sunt mandra sa pot explica celor care nu cunosc unde e ca e o tarisoara micutsa din Estul Europei vecina cu Romania si Ucraina, care are in jur de 4 milioane de locuitori, in jumate cit populatia Metroplexului Dallas-Fort Worth.
Sa traiesti Moldova!
En: Friends from all over the world, today is Moldova's Independence day! I want to dedicate this post to my beautiful country, even though I don't live there anymore my roots are still there, because my parents, my grandparents, my childhood friends live there, because I carry a blue passport, because my dad makes the best wine in the world, and because of so many other reasons! And just like the song below says I make Moldova move, because even though I don't live there, I behave and represent it with dignity, I am glad to be one of its ambassadors abroad, and I am proud and take every moment to tell every person who asks me, that I am from Moldova, and if you can't find it on the map I'll guide you through, it's a little country in Eastern Europe that borders with Romania and Ukraine, with almost 4 million people, half of the population of Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.
Happy Independence Day, Moldova!
Happy national day, kisses
ReplyDeletethank you :)
DeleteHappy Independence to your country. Independence is a pride every country remembers.