En: Michael Kors said the new years eve for a fashionista is not 1st January it's September. This week is all about fashion, shows, catwalks, impressive appearances of celebrities or street stylers. And because I cannot go to New York or Paris I wanted to see what Dallas has to offer regarding this aspect, there must be a reason why they call it 'the New York of the South'.
Me and the girls decided to go for the Neiman Marcus presentation at North Park mall. I would notice the white decor of the catwalk and chairs, it worked well with the red metal statue rising up. Regarding the collection, there was not a particular designer but rather a mix of several, which to me seemed normal as Neiman sells more than one. In my opinion some outfits reflected the actual trends some of them just looked like random looks from the stock. I repeat it's my personal opinion, I'm not trying to be critical, you are welcome to leave a comment about what you think. At the end we got a bag with some samples of cosmetics and coupons at some local restaurants. The whole thing was more for fun, I wanted to see how people dress in Dallas at this kind of events, I met some cool street stylers worthy to be noticed and have pictures taken with. It was nice to be noticed by the photographer of DMagazine, and have a picture of us taken and published on the website the next day. After we thought we saw and 'showed off' enough we went for a sushi dinner with the girls.
Ro: Michael Kors a declarat recent intr-un interviu: Anul Nou pentru fashioniste nu e 1 Ianuarie ci Septembrie. Saptamina asta totul e despre moda, podiumuri, showuri, aparitii impresionante de celebritati sau street stylers. Si pentru ca nu pot merge la New York sau Paris, am vrut sa vad ce are Dallas-ul de oferit in aceasta saptamana totusi i se spune 'New Yorkul Sudului'. Mi-am luat fetele si am plecat. Am ales sa mergem la prezentarea celor de la Neiman Marcus la North Park mall. A fost OK mi-a placut mult decorul - podiumul si scaunele albe, nu s-a prezentat o colectie anumita ci per ansamblu un melanj de piese a diferitor designeri, ceea ce mi s-a parut normal dat fiind faptul ca Neiman nu vinde doar un brand ci mai multe. Unele au fost reusite altele mai putin, vedeti si voi mai jos in poze. Unele outfituri reflectau careva tendinte ale sezonului unele pareau doar haine din stock, in fine nu vreau sa fiu prea critica pentru ca nu sta in firea mea, dati-va si voi cu parerea. La urma ne-am ales cu mici prezenturi, un saculet cu diferite mostre de cosmetica si niste cupoane la careva restaurante locale, nimic de remarcat. Toata seara a fost mai mult pentru amuzament sa vad cum se imbraca lumea aici la asa evenimente, am dat de citiva street styleri demni de pozat. A fost placut sa fim bagate in seama de fotograful de la Dmagazine ca sa aparem azi pe site, mici chestii din astea. Dupa ce ne-am luat doza de show off am mers cu fetele la sushi si ne-am intors acasa.
Me and the girls decided to go for the Neiman Marcus presentation at North Park mall. I would notice the white decor of the catwalk and chairs, it worked well with the red metal statue rising up. Regarding the collection, there was not a particular designer but rather a mix of several, which to me seemed normal as Neiman sells more than one. In my opinion some outfits reflected the actual trends some of them just looked like random looks from the stock. I repeat it's my personal opinion, I'm not trying to be critical, you are welcome to leave a comment about what you think. At the end we got a bag with some samples of cosmetics and coupons at some local restaurants. The whole thing was more for fun, I wanted to see how people dress in Dallas at this kind of events, I met some cool street stylers worthy to be noticed and have pictures taken with. It was nice to be noticed by the photographer of DMagazine, and have a picture of us taken and published on the website the next day. After we thought we saw and 'showed off' enough we went for a sushi dinner with the girls.
I wore my Armani Exchange faux-leather dress that I accessorized with my latest shoe acquisition. Alina chose to wear something light like mint jeans and a floral top.
Ro: Michael Kors a declarat recent intr-un interviu: Anul Nou pentru fashioniste nu e 1 Ianuarie ci Septembrie. Saptamina asta totul e despre moda, podiumuri, showuri, aparitii impresionante de celebritati sau street stylers. Si pentru ca nu pot merge la New York sau Paris, am vrut sa vad ce are Dallas-ul de oferit in aceasta saptamana totusi i se spune 'New Yorkul Sudului'. Mi-am luat fetele si am plecat. Am ales sa mergem la prezentarea celor de la Neiman Marcus la North Park mall. A fost OK mi-a placut mult decorul - podiumul si scaunele albe, nu s-a prezentat o colectie anumita ci per ansamblu un melanj de piese a diferitor designeri, ceea ce mi s-a parut normal dat fiind faptul ca Neiman nu vinde doar un brand ci mai multe. Unele au fost reusite altele mai putin, vedeti si voi mai jos in poze. Unele outfituri reflectau careva tendinte ale sezonului unele pareau doar haine din stock, in fine nu vreau sa fiu prea critica pentru ca nu sta in firea mea, dati-va si voi cu parerea. La urma ne-am ales cu mici prezenturi, un saculet cu diferite mostre de cosmetica si niste cupoane la careva restaurante locale, nimic de remarcat. Toata seara a fost mai mult pentru amuzament sa vad cum se imbraca lumea aici la asa evenimente, am dat de citiva street styleri demni de pozat. A fost placut sa fim bagate in seama de fotograful de la Dmagazine ca sa aparem azi pe site, mici chestii din astea. Dupa ce ne-am luat doza de show off am mers cu fetele la sushi si ne-am intors acasa.
Eu am purtat rochia mea din piele falsa de la Armani Exchange si cea mai recenta achizitie in materie de pantofi. Alina a optat pentru ceva lejer si colorat: pantaloni menta si un top floral accesorizat.
Some crazy/cool street stylers
And some more pics with me....
... and Alinka and her cute friend
You both look great and it looks like Dallas has amazing fashion. Love your leather dress!
Ce dragut de voi, v-ati distrat de-a binelea!! Frumoasa rochita semnata Armani, simpla, insa totusi supereleganta si iti vine de minune!! Nu am putut sa nu observ pantofii, extremly to die for!
I love both your outfits :)
ReplyDeletePutine poze ai pus!! Ma asteptam la mai multe:) Pantofii tai rup:)
am vrut sa pun mai multe poze da ma gindeam ca o sa fie plictisitor! Aum imi downloadez un software ca sa pot coagula mai multe poze la un loc si sa nu trebuiasca sa le insir pe toate pe foaie.
DeleteMerci de remarca, always appreciate it!
Esti atat de norocoasa ca ai participat la un asa eveniment, love your shoes, kisses
ReplyDeleteIncercam si noi :) merci!
Deletethanks for sharing!!!
ReplyDeletethe STYLE Fringe BLOG
Ce norocoasă eşti să poţi participa la o prezentare de modă.
ReplyDeleteÎmi place la nebunie cum îţi stă cu rochia, eşti o prezenţă feminină şi foarte atrăgătoare.
merci mult Zadin! Foarte placut...
DeleteGreat post!! :)
Looks like you had a great time at FNO! Love your dress!
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