En: Let's talk today about haircuts. It seems this fall besides army print and leather, the short hairstyle is trendy as well. Otherwise how shall we explain the recent appearances of the 2 of most popular singers of our generation - Rihanna and Miley Cyrus.
Both starlets surprised their fans last week at the VMA's with a new haircut. We all know Rihanna is a non-conformist and changes haircut a few times a year, every time very inspiring, but I did not expect that from Miley. It seems she was inspired by the rebel style of Ri, but honestly her hair looks more like Pink's. In Rihanna's case I think this simple cut accentuates her beautiful face lines, just like in the case of Halle Berry. For Miley I think it is too radical, it makes her look more boyish and teenager-ish and I think she should go back to one of her older looks (even though lately she's been trying hard to prove she is a woman with a lot of sex-appeal).Myself I was tempted several times to cut my hair short but I always hesitated considering how difficult is to grow it back and then I am not a fan of extensions, so I totally backed-up. But I guess you never know, maybe one day I'll surprise you too :)
Both starlets surprised their fans last week at the VMA's with a new haircut. We all know Rihanna is a non-conformist and changes haircut a few times a year, every time very inspiring, but I did not expect that from Miley. It seems she was inspired by the rebel style of Ri, but honestly her hair looks more like Pink's. In Rihanna's case I think this simple cut accentuates her beautiful face lines, just like in the case of Halle Berry. For Miley I think it is too radical, it makes her look more boyish and teenager-ish and I think she should go back to one of her older looks (even though lately she's been trying hard to prove she is a woman with a lot of sex-appeal).Myself I was tempted several times to cut my hair short but I always hesitated considering how difficult is to grow it back and then I am not a fan of extensions, so I totally backed-up. But I guess you never know, maybe one day I'll surprise you too :)
Ro: Haideti sa vorbim astazi despre tunsori, si nu despre toate ci despre una. Se pare ca toamna asta pe linga printul militar si piele mai sunt la moda si frezurile scurte, altfel cum se explica cele mai recente aparitii ale 2 dintre cele mai in voga celebritati Rihanna si Miley Cyrus. Pe Rihanna o stim de nonconformista si ca isi schimba stilul podoabei capilare de cateva ori pe an de fiecare dat foarte atent si asumat, dar de la Miley nu ma asteptam. Si aceasta din urma ultimamente se pare ca s-a inspirat din comportamentul rebel al lui Ri si si- a surprins placut fanii saptamana trecuta la VMA's cu o frezura mai mult a la Pink de fapt. In cazul Rihannei cred ca freza scurta nu ii stirbeste din feminitate ci ii subliniaza si mai mult trasaturile deosebite ale fetei, ceva de genul a la Halle Berry. In cazul lui Miley cred din contra ca o arata mai masculina si mai pustoaica si cred ca ar trebui sa revina la look-ul anterior (cu toate ca in ultimul timp incearca sa ne convinga din rasputeri ca e o femeie cu un puternic sex-appeal).Pe mine sincer nu doar o data m-a tentat ideea de a face asa o schimbare radicala, dar marturisesc ca mi-e teama si apoi stiu cit e de greu sa il cresti inapoi, avand in vedere ca pentru mine extensiile nu sunt o optiune nici intr-o situatie, dar cine stie poate intr-o zi prind la curaj si va surprind placut :)
En: Going back to fashion, how do you like their choices for VMA's red carpet?
Ro: Referitor la alegerile vestimentare ale amandurora pentru covorul rosu de la MTV Video Music Awards, care vi se pare mai reusita?
Cred ca Rihannei i se potriveste mult mai bine stilul asta de par. Cat despre alegerile vestimentare as miza tot pe ea, e mereu o sursa de inspiratie. Eu am avut curajul sa ma tund scurt acum cateva luni si am fost extrem de incantata, intre timp am revenit la ganduri mai bune si incet incet il las sa creasca :))) frumoasa postare, kisses
ReplyDeleteOh ce curajoasa! Trec mai tirziua pe blog la tine sa rasfoiesc arhivele mai vechi sa vad cit de scurt l-ai avut :)
DeleteI love short hair cuts but it can be dangerous, one really needs to be sure that one's face goes with a shorter look.. or one will regret it.. I cute my hair short once (not as short as Rhianna or Miley but it just made me look very chubby
ReplyDeleteI totally agree!
DeleteRihanna totaly rocks!! O admir pentru nefrica de a-si schimba imaginea:))
ReplyDeleterespect si admiratie pentru ea!
DeleteI can't agree more. I'm too scared to go short. No going back
ReplyDeleteI respect women who dare cut their hair short, its such a huge risk but many times (like for Rihanna) it looks amazing! I really looooove what Miley wore to the VMA's, I think she looks very chic.