En: My Alinka is becoming a model and Lalo a master photographer. Yesterday we went to take pictures for a work that Lalo has to present at school and Alinka posed for it. With more details about it I'll come next week when we'll have the full result. Today we'll mention the location the shooting took place at, a beautiful home with huge windows, nicely decorated and arranged. Everything seemed to be perfect in that house, just like in a magazine.
I respect people who love beautiful things and love to live beautiful. A lot say that decorating is a women's thing, but this house was the proof that men are talented at that, as the hosts were two nice men. It was that moment when a woman gets jealous on a man in the competitive way.
After a tough Friday night, we woke up Saturday morning a bit sulky, on the way to M.A.C stopped by Starbucks to get hot cappuccinos as the thermometer was showing below 70F and we needed to wake and heat up. Got to the mall were Lalo was waiting for us, introduced Alinka to the make-up artist who started immediately to cover Alinka's miffed face. The project was meant to be similar to some work of Anne Leibovitz, I didn't get to see much what came up on the camera but soon we'll know...
I managed to steal Lalo's attention and got some cute pictures for the blog with his dog who's so cute that made Alinka want to have one like him too, I said only when we move to a house... Next week we'll see those too, as Lalo always insists to edit the pictures and I never say no to any opportunity to look better if possible, at the end we all love with the eyes.
Excited to see the pics soon I wish you a great Sunday, you take care and I say goodbye until the next post.
Ro: Alinutsa mea se face model, iar Lalo fotograf in toata legea cuvantului si a meseriei. Ieri am mers sa facem poze, de fapt Alina sa pozeze pentru un proiect pe care Lalo trebuie sa il prezinte la scoala, cu detalii despre revin pe parcursul saptamanii cand vedem rezultatul. Azi vreau sa mentionez locatia shootingului o casa frumoasa cu geamuri enorme si un design interior de revista. Ce-mi plac mie oamenii pasionati de frumos si carora le place sa traiasca frumos. Multi zic ca decorarea casei e chestie femeiasca dar nu e deloc asa, o dovada clara e aeasta casa in care traiesc doi barbati, iata si momentul cind o femeie devine geloasa pe un barbat, in sensul competitiv.
Dupa o seara grea de vineri ne-am trezit simbata dimineata cam bosumflate de la somnul neimplinit si ne-am pornit la M.A.C. sa-i facem Alinei make-up-ul, fotografia ulterior se cerea ceva a la Anne Leibovitz daca s-a primit asa sau nu nu stiu, dar incercarea a fost fun. Un cappucino de la Starbucks ne-a ajutat sa ne trezim si sa ne incalzim, pentru ca septembrie asta pare mai mult a noiembrie.
Am profitat si eu de ocazie si am facut poze pentru blog, ceva mai inedit cu catelul lui Lalo care e atat de dragalas caci Alina a zis ca vrea si ea unul, am zis ca doar atunci cand trecem la parter. Pozele vi le arat saptamana viitoare, Lalo insista mereu sa le editeze, eu nu sunt contra niciodata sa arat mai bine daca e posibil ca un software sa faca asta, pana la urma mai toti iubim cu ochii :)
In asteptarea pozelor eu va urez o duminica cit mai reusita, aveti grija si la revedere pana la urmatorul post.
How cute and original is this?
Ce casa stilata!! Vreau sa vad si eu pozele :)
ReplyDeleteTrebuie să recunosc că într-adevăr este un decor foarte frumos. Mereu vânez idei în această direcţie.
si eu la fel!
DeleteLove this post!
This house indeed looks gorgeous, can't wait to see more!
I really love the decor of this house and your weekend sounds like it was so nice and warm.
Este atat de frumos decorata casa incat chiar sunt "invidioasa" pe cei care locuiesc in ea:)) cred ca ai avut o zi minunata:) pupici
si eu sunt invidioasa, casa asta e eemplu adevarat ca nu tre sa ai castel cu 3 etaje, o casuta cu un level e perfecta daca stii cum sa o aranjezi!