Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Happiness is my second name

En: A pet can really make a picture brighter, it brings smiles, licks faces, a total joy. It was a beautiful Saturday with dear people that resulted in a beautiful pics. More to come with the actual photo shoot with Alinka. Going back to the dog I was telling you she felt in love with it, myself I am a fan of cats.

Overall there is nothing much to say at this post, I hope we are able to send you all the positive energy and heat we felt that day, I hope we are able to make you smile, don't forget life is short but laughing makes it longer and happier.

Ro: Cat face un animaluts in poza, bucura, lumineaza, aduce zambte, linge  pe fatsa:) O sambata frumoasa cu oameni dragi ce a rezultat in poze frumoase. Mai multe vin miine cu adevarata sesiune tematica in care Alinutsa a fost eroina principala. Revenind la catel Alinka s-a indragostit de el vroia sa il ia acasa, eu sunt mai mult o fana a pisicilor... 
Nu sunt multe de spus la acest post, sper doar sa va transmita caldura si energie pozitiva, sa va faca sa zambiti si voi, nu uitati viata e scurta dar zambetele o fac mai lunga :), ce ziceau savantii aia 15 secunde pentru fiecare zambet, nice!!!


  1. So pretty pictures, hapiness is around you:-) You look amazing

    Check my new post

  2. Aaaaw cute dog, I love these happy pics! You look so beautiful! :) x

  3. "Hapiness is my second name" - i love it:)Sunteti ambele atit de adorabile, pozitive,sa vrei sa nu zimbesti ca nu poti, caci ochisorii vostri reflecta acea luminita a fericirii, frumusetii si a bunei dispozitii:))) si catelusul e tare cute. Pline de viata si fericite sa fiti mereu!!!

  4. awww so cute! and i love the title !

    the STYLE Fringe BLOG

  5. Este ideal să reuşim să râdem zilnic, păcat că nu e mereu posibil.

    Foarte cool outfitul.


