Monday, September 10, 2012

Sunday brunch outfit

En: Happy that the temperatures in Dallas went below 30 on Celsius, I took out of the closet a pair of boots. In a hurry to meet Alinka for brunch I grabbed this light black dress and it seemed too easy to just wear it with sandals and I thought I should complete the look with boots.
I bought them last year at Target for 30$ but didn't get to wear them much, but I knew from the beginning they need to have the laces changed for a look with more swag. I left in a rush to downtown Grapevine, if you live in DFW and never checked its Main street you have to do it; it has that beautiful old town from 'Gilmore girls' look, where people actually take Sundays walks and seem to know each-other. I was waiting for Alinka on the sidewalk and at some point I realized she was taking pictures of me, it seemed she noticed my black socks from far and thought I should share my Sunday look on the blog. Well she convinced me, but at that point I was upset I didn't take the camera with me to take more pictures on that beautiful street above which the sky seemed more blue... When I came back to Dallas behind so many buildings my camera wasn't able catch the sun. That's why I if you don't have enough time to visit your favorite places during week time, do it on Sunday or on your day off, at the end the time goes so fast and they say it's easier to forgive yourself for the things you've tried even though they didn't go well than to forgive for the things you wanted to do but never did!

Ro: Fericita ca temeraturile in Dallas au coborit sub 30 Celsius mi-am scos o pereche de botine la plimbare. Grabita sa nu intirzii la brunch cu Alinka am pus repede pe mine o rochita lejera si am zis ca e prea simpla si ca trebuie sa o complic/completez cu aceste botine achizitionate anul trecut la Target cu 30$, pe care nu le-am purtat practic deloc, dar m-am asigurat din start ca o schimbare a sireturilor e necesara asta pentru a da mai mult swag.  Am plecat in graba spre downtown Grapevine, un oras parca rupt din serialul 'Gilmore girls' tipic american, cu multa forfota... Alinka asa trecind strada m-a vazut si a inceput sa imi faca poze din mers, probabil au convins-o ciorapii mei negri, a zis ca outfitul meu e demn sa ajunga pe blog. Well, m-a convins si pe mine, si pe urma mi-a parut rau ca nu am luat camera sa prind mai multe poze pe acea straduta frumoasa cu un cer atat de albastru. Parca dupa ce am plecat de acolo nu mai era atat de albastru... Deja in Dallas printre atatea cladiri nici cerul nu se mai vedea. De aia va sfatui daca in timpul saptamanii nu reusiti sa vizitati locuri inedite si preferated faceti-o in weekend, pana la urma timpul trece atat de repede si regretele se aduna, stiti cum se spune e mai usor sa treci peste regretul unui lucru esuat decat peste regretul ca nu ai facut acel lucru! 

Zara dress
Target ankle boots 
Ralph Lauren sunnies


  1. Amazing look! Love the hat!

  2. Ador combinatia e botine si ciorapi! Big like for this look:)

    1. se pare ca cel mai mare like e pentru ciorapi :D

  3. Imi place combinatia asta rock, mai ales sosetutele purtate cu botine, kisses

  4. Cat imi place outfitul asta dear<3 iti sta atat de bine!

  5. Black looks good on you.

  6. Lookul mi se pare perfect pentru un brunch. Este un look foarte relaxat.
    Ador pălăria.

    More photos on

  7. adorabilaaa
    imi place<3

