Thursday, September 20, 2012

Some other ideas

 En: Today we continue with other beautiful photos from Saturday, were Lalo tried to make a portrait of Alinka @ Annie Leibovitz style, for a work he had to present at school. I did not study previously the work of this lady, so I cannot pronounce on the result.
As a general culture term I know she is a famous american photographer, mainly known for her great shots with John Lenon, Angelina Jolie or Disney, I checked a few on google, they are definitely great and that's where my critical and analytical skill stop. I like the pictures below because of the colors, the decor, the make-up of the model, the gorgeous blue dress she was wearing and for the idea of something new, of something else that will help Lalo improve his skills and become famous one day just like Annie Leibovitz. For the rest I will ask you, what do you think?
Ro: Continuam seria pozelor frumos editate, azi urmeaza cele cu Alinutsa in prim plan, unde Lalo a incercat sa vina cu ceva a la Annie Leibovitz pentru o lucrare care i s-a cerut la scoala, nu am studiat indeaproape operele artistei asa ca nu ma pot pronunta asupra rezultatului, ca amator de curiozitati de cultura generala stiu ca doamna e fotograf american renumita mai ales pentru shootingurile cu John Lenon si Angelina Jolie, pentru colaborarile cu Disney. Pozele de mai jos imi plac din urmatoarele motive: contrastul de culori, decorul, make-up-ul, albastrul pronuntat al rochiei maxi si ideea. Dar consider ca  Alinei nu i se potriveste alura serioasa ii sta mai bine atunci cind zimbeste. Voi ce parere aveti?


  1. Wao, this photoshoot turned out absolutely fantastic!!!! Im in love with these bright colors!

  2. love the color combination, teal and coral are beautiful together!

  3. Imi place cum ii sta in alabstru si bruneta:)

  4. the dress gorgeous! i love it! if you get a sec, i have new post, would lov to here your thoughts! x

  5. Emană senzualitate şi eleganţă. Frumos!

  6. ure looking fab girl, awesome outfit and pics :)

    u look very Indian

