Thursday, September 27, 2012

Funky school look (Firmoo glasses)

En: We all agree that the right accessories can make a whole outfit come back to life, even those items that you were thinking to give away to goodwill. Alinutsa decided today to bring off a pair of glasses that at first sight you'd think they are used for a better vision, actually they are just a funky accessory. If you are still going to school or college this item can definitely make your boring uniform look cooler.
Wether for vision or not, I know the right spot where to get great shapes and forms to fit your cute face that is where Alinka got hers. Myself I put an eye on some too. They have a huge variety of glasses from square frames to the most trendy and popular wayfarer at affordable prices. If you are an accessory freak I would definitely recommend you to try, if you need them for your vision you should try them too. The  nicest catch is that first time buyers get them for free, you just have to pay the shipping, that sounds tempting right. Go check the website now and make your fall closet more accessorized.

Ro: Suntem cu totii de acord ca accesoriile potrivite pot scoate o tinuta din anonimat, dau fler si reivigoreaza piese pe care te gandeai sa le trimiti la goodwill deja. Alinutsa a hotarat sa scoata azi din garderoba un item pe care pana acum nu l-a folosit niciodata, niste ochelari care par de vedere dar sunt de fapt doar un accesoriu. Daca sunteti din categoria care inca frecventeaza scoala sau universitatea, pai ochelarii sunt la sigur potriviti in acest caz pentru a va scoate uniforma din anonimat. Pentru vedere sau nu eu stiu locul perfect unde va puteti gasi perechea potrivita pentru fiecare forma a fetei. e locul de unde Alina si i-a achizitionat pe ai ei. Mi-a placut si mie si am pus ochiul pe careva deja. Site-ul include o mare varietate de forme de la mult-preferata rama dreptunghiulara pana la cea mai populara si actuala wayfarer, la preturi accesibile. La mine click-ul de convingere s-a intimplat atunci cind am aflat ca pentru first time buyer articolul e gratis, tre sa platesti doar pentru shipping, tentant nu. In fine mai multe nu zic, accesati si va convingeti singuri. Fie ca aveti nevoie de ochelari pentru vedere sau va place look-ul nerdy-cool nu ezitati.

Firmoo glasses
Upscale for less shirt
Zara jeans
Collin Stuart pumps
Forever21 necklace & bracelet
Mango belt


  1. love this look so much especially that orange blouse! gorgeous!


  2. Love your shoes.They are so cool

    Check my new post

  3. Totally love the look.
    Esp. love your goggles n shoes!
    Came here blog hopping and liked your blog!
    Do drop by my blog sometime.
    And do follow via GFC & FB, if you like and let me know with a comment! :)

  4. I love this look. cute black paneling on the shirt. Your leopard shoes added the right chic touch and those glasses are great with the outfit.

  5. I love this look. cute black paneling on the shirt. Your leopard shoes added the right chic touch and those glasses are great with the outfit.

  6. Great outfit! Those glasses look perfect on you :)

