Sunday, September 23, 2012

Oktoberfest in Dallas

En: A beautiful Saturday evening with friends, kebab and good beer. I know I was saying yesterday I'd get German sausages, but I guess in my case the Mediterranean taste is better formed. It's my first Oktoberfest ever, never been to any before, saw it just on TV or internet so due to that I expected to see a lot of women wearing the  traditional German/Austrian dirndl and guys in lederhosen,  at all I've seen probably like 3 each, maybe there were more than that, but overall Texans missed this aspect of the fest,  I guess with more practice in a few years we'll see the full park wearing them, in the meanwhile the main interest is the imported beer and outdoor fun (personally I promise next year I'll dress a dirndl).
Another curiosity of mine was why is it called Oktoberfest if it takes place in September, but my beautiful Hungarian friend Eva explained me right away that normally it lasts for 16 days, beginning end of September and ending in October, it's just Dallas makes it for 4 days only. I was jealous when she told me she actually had the chance to check the real original fest in Bavaria, now I have another pin point on my sightseeing list. 
So what about you, when does Oktoberfest start in your city? If it did already watch out, don't overestimate your ability to handle large amounts of beer, some did it today, and make sure you pay attention where you choose to eat, 'cuz if you have a sensitive stomach like mine you may have some unpleasant feelings on your way back home. The memory of the day is the glass beer mug that I got, I didn't have one home before it's not that I am beer drinker but I do love souvenirs. 

Ro: O simbata frumoasa cu prieteni, kebab si bere buna. Spuneam ieri ca merg de fapt la carnaciori germani dar se pare ca in cazul meu gustul pentru mincare mediteraneana e mai dezvoltat. Este primul meu Oktoberfest, nu am mai mers anterior nicaieri, mi-a placut, de fapt aveam asteptari mai mari in legatura cu vestimentatia, credeam ca vor fi mai multe fete imbracate in dirndl si mai multi baieti in lederhosen, dar per total am vazut doar vreo 3 cupluri, texanii au omis acest aspect tematic al petrecerii, interesul principal al participarii la asemenea eveniment ramanand berea de import. Nu stiu cat de noua e practica acestui festival in Dallas, dar sper ca in cativa ani voi vedea mai multi petrecareti in costume traditionale germane (eu promit ca anul viitor ma deghizez). 
O alta curiozitate de-a mea a fost denumirea festivalului, de ce Oktoberfest cand se deruleaza de fapt in Septemberie (in Dallas de pe 20-24 Septembrie), atunci prietena mea Eva din Ungaria m-a luminat si mi-a zis ca normalmente dureaza 16 zile inccepandu-se la sfarsitul lui septembrie si terminandu-se in octombrie, atunci s-a facut legatura si la mine. Am devenit geloasa cand mi-a spus ca a avut sansa sa mearga anterior chiar in regiunea de origine a festivalului in Bavaria, acum am un nou punct de interes pe harta viitoarelor mele calatorii. 
Dar in orasul vostru cand incepe festivalul? Daca e deja in toi si va decideti sa mergeti (si la sigur  ca mergeti) aveti grija si nu supraestimati capacitatea voastra de a consuma multi litri de bere, unii au facut-o azi si desigur alegeti bine locurile in care decideti sa mancati, daca aveti un stomac sensibil ca al meu s-ar putea sa va alegeti cu careva sentimente mai putin placeri in drum spre casa. Memoria zilei e halba de sticla pe care am luat-o acasa, nu sunt amatoare de bere, dar suvenirurile imi plac mult, orice obiect care poarta in sine un simbol sau istorioara are loc in casa mea :)
 Si pete pe camasa am capatat, acum nu pot minti 
Some beer stains on my blouse, I can't lie now


  1. We also have an oktoberfest here, but I would love to go to Munich one day to experience the real thing :) I love your outfit, cute hat and great pink shorts!

  2. woooww!!! love your look!!! is very cool!

  3. You look so adorable and I love your Oktoberfest pics, your Texas pics look just as fun as the real thing. Your hat is so fun and the peter pan collar, hope you enjoyed all the food and beer


  4. I love your outfit! Such a great color on you.
    Looks like a great event!

  5. love the color of the outfits~

    the STYLE Fringe BLOG

  6. omg, you look adorable!

